Chapter 7: S/N

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Third Person POV 

Y/N was in the kitchen as he was cooking while S/N sat in the living room, watching the TV. While S/N was watching TV in the living room, Y/N was talking to someone over the phone as he continue to cook for them. 

???: You know they're looking for their lost pet. 
A woman on the other end said to him. 

Y/N: I know. 
He said as he continued to cook. 

???: What are you going to do about it? When they find her. 
She asked. 

Y/N: They won't. 
He said as he places the plates of food on the table before grabbing a cup of water and a pack of pills. 

???: Call me if you need anything. 
She said before hanging up. 

Y/N puts his scroll in his pocket before grabbing the cup of water and the pack of pills. 

Y/N: S/N. 
He said as S/N looked at him with fear in her eyes. 

Y/N: It's just me. 
He said as he sat by her. 

S/N smiles a little as she looked at him. 

Y/N: Here. Take two of these. 
He said as he pour two pills into his hand before handing it to her. 

S/N: T-T-Thank you. 
She said as she slowly places it in her mouth and drink the water before swallowing it. 

S/N lays her head on his shoulder as she held onto his arm. 

Y/N: You hungry? 
He asked as he looked at her. 

S/N: Y-Y-Yes. 
She said as she looked at his E/C eyes. 

Y/N: Come on. 
He said as he got up and held out his hand. 

S/N slowly grabbed onto his hand and walked with him, her legs trembling under her weight as she held onto his sleeves. 

Y/N: Here. 
He said as he pulls out a chair for her before seeing her sit down on the chair. 

Y/N: Enjoy.
He said as S/N formed a small smile and ate her food. 

S/N quietly ate her food as Y/N sat by her, his revolver underneath his jacket. Waiting if anything happens. 

S/N: Y-Y-Y-Y/N? 
She asked as she looked at him with her E/C eyes. 

Y/N: What it is? 
He asked softly as he looked at her. 

S/N: H-H-How did you get this house?
She asked as she looked at him. 

Y/N: Paid for it. 
He said a he looked at her. 

S/N: H-H-How? 

Y/N: Worked for it. 
He said as he looked at her. 

S/N: O-O-Oh. 
She said as she finishes her food. 

Y/N watches her as he sees a notification go off on his phone. Y/N ignores it as S/N pushes her plate away. 

Y/N: Done? 
He asked her. 

S/N nods as she looks at him. 

Y/N: Come on. Let's get read for bed. 
He said as he got up while S/N slowly got up. 

S/N slowly walked up the stairs as Y/N walked into a small room to see multiple monitors in the room, revealing the outside. 

Y/N: Good. Cameras are good. 
He said as he closed the door before following S/N up the stairs. 

Y/N: Want to take a shower? 
He asked her as S/N slowly nods. 

Y/N: It's this door. 
He said as he opened a door, revealing the room as S/N gasps in awe. 

S/N: W-W-W-Wow

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S/N: W-W-W-Wow. 
She said as she walked in. 

Y/N chuckles as he walks in with her before turning on the shower. 

S/N: B-B-Big brother? 
She asked as she looked at him, her arms crossed as she looked at him. 

Y/N: What is it? 
He asked as he looked at her. 

S/N: C-C-C-C-Can you stay? 
She asked as she looked down. 

Y/N looks at her as she had a blush on her face before sitting on a counter, facing away from the shower. 

Y/N: Of course. 
He said as he sat there. 

S/N smiles a little bit as she slowly took off her shirt, revealing body with bruises before slowly taking off her pants and stepping into the shower. 

S/N: I-I-I-I'm so sorry Y/N. 
She said to herself, remembering herself yelling at him. 

S/N: H-H-He probably hates me. 
She said to herself. 

S/N: I'm a nuisance. 
She said as she washed her body, feeling the water run down her body and hair. 

Y/N: I should have been there for her. 
He said to himself. 

Y/N: If I was there, she wouldn't be like this. 

Somewhere Else 

Weiss was standing with Winter in front of a bulkhead station as she sees a bulkhead landing in front of them. 


The bulkhead landed as the door slowly opened, revealing a girl in red, one in black, and one in yellow. 

???: WEISS! It's been so long! 
She yelled with a smile. 

Weiss: Quiet you dolt. 
She said to her. 

???: Weiss! 
The girl with a red cape pouts. 

Winter: So these are your friends from Argus. 
She said as she sees a girl in black limping, with bandages wrapping around her waist. 

Weiss: Ruby .Blake. Yang. I've talked to Ironwood and he is offering to help us. 
She said to them. 

Winter: With that? 

Ruby: The Relic. 

Here is chapter 7 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next ?

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