Chapter 15: Hailey

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Third Person POV 

Hailey was in a room as she looked a man strapped into a chair, humming to herself as she had a tool in her hand. 

Hailey: Stuff him in a sack and throw him over. Feed him to the hungry rats for dinner. Shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol. Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver. Early in the morning. 
She hummed to herself before turning towards a man. 

A man that was strapped into a chair as blood dripped onto the ground. 

Hailey: So are you going to tell me what you know. 
She said as she looked at him, leaning against a table. 

Man: Fuck yourself. 
He said before spitting in her face. 


Hailey: That wasn't nice. 
She said as she wiped the blood off of her face.

Man: O-O-O-O-Ow muh jaw. 
He groaned in pain. 


Hailey: What was that. 
She said with a smirk, seeing the man look at her with tears. 

Hailey: Hmm. A man like you crying now. 
She scoffed as she went to a switch. 

Hailey: Took 30 women and their innocents were ripped away. 
She said before turning on the switch. 

He screamed in agony, shaking as lightning dust were running through his body. 

Hailey: So what do you have for me. 
She said as she turned it off. 

Hailey: Does the rapist have anything to say to me. 
She said as she grabbed him by the hair. 

Man: F-F-Fuck hu. 
He said, blood from his mouth. 

Hailey smirks before turning on the power once more, grinning. 

He screamed louder in agony as he shook violently, electricity dust coursing through his body. 

She turned the power off once again as she glared at the man. 

Hailey: Willing to talk. 
She said as she stood in front of him. 

Man: K-K-k. I-I'll talk. 
He pants as he slowly looked at her. 

Hailey: Good doggy. 
She said with a grin. 

Hailey: So where are the other girls.

Man: B-B-B-B-Black M-market .S-S-S-S-trip c-c-club. I-I-I was suppose to meet s-s-s-someone there. 
He pants as more blood ran down his wounds. 

Hailey: What is the name. 

Man: P-P-P-Pleasantvile. 
He pants heavily. 

Man: H-H-H-Hopefully you get your ripped away as well. 
He said to her. 

Hailey: Say that to your dead brother. 
She said before pulling out a bag before placing in front of him. 

He screamed in agony, more electricity dust coursing through his body. 

Hailey: Have fun singing love. 
She said before walking out of the room. 

Hailey: Now time for me to have some fun. Maybe I should change. 

To Y/N 

Y/N: Come on. Let's go to bed. 
He said as he slowly walked to his room, carrying S/N in his arms as S/N laid her head against the croak of his neck. 

Y/N: Hmm. 
He said with a small smile, feeling her breath run along his neck.

S/N: Big brother. 
She muttered as she nuzzled her against his neck.

Y/N smiled as he walked into the room. 

Y/N: Here we are. 
He said before laying her on his bed. 

S/N: Y/N. 
She muttered in her sleep as she curled in her sleep while Y/N placed a blanket on her. 

Y/N: Sleep well S/N. 
He said before kissing her on the forehead.

S/N slowly smiled as she laid on his bed while Y/N sat down on a chair. 

Y/N: I won't let them get her. 
He said as he sat on the chair before pulling out his revolver. 

Y/N: Never again. 

Somewhere Else 

Winter: Is it done. 
She said as she walked into an office with another atlesian officer. 

Atlesian Officer: Yes ma'am. Here is the gun from the attacker. 
He said as he gave her the revolver in a bag. 

Winter: Who does it belong to. 

Atlesian Officer: Academy student, Y/N L/N. 

Here is chapter 15 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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