Chapter 25: Y/N and Hailey

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Third Person POV 

Y/n slowly walked through the club as he looked around, seeing the clubbers dance to the music as others sat at the bar talking. 

Y/N: So this is what S/N was doing when she was out. 
He said to himself as he walked through the crowds before seeing a sign on a door. 


Y/N: Hmm... perfect. 
He said to himself before walking towards towards the door. 

Y/N: A keypad. How old are these guys. 
He said before his aura flickered and hearing the door click. 

Y/N: There we go. 
He said before walking into the room to see a man in a chair, listening to music. 

Man: Almost done for the night. 
He said tiredly as Y/N quietly walked behind him, holding his baton in hand. 


Man: Huh? 
He asked as he turned towards Y/N to only be hit at the side of the head. 

The man fell to the ground as Y/N slowly dragged him to a closest. 

Y/N: All the cameras in this room. Good. 
He said before sitting in the chair and plugged his scroll into the systems, seeing tabs pop up. 

Y/N: Good. This will be nice to have. All of this info. 
He said as he typed on the keyboard, seeing the windows disappear. 

Y/N: That should be it. 
He said before looking at a screen to see Hailey sitting with one of the girls. 

Y/N: Let's see her in action. 
He said to himself, chuckling as Hailey placed her hand on the girl's thigh before leaning closely to her. 

Y/N: Didn't think she would seduce her. Oh well. 
He said before hearing his scroll ring. 

Y/N: Ironwood. 
He said as he stared at the scroll blankly before turning off his phone. 

Y/N turned back towards the screen to see Hailey walking off with the girl, dragging her to the backrooms. 

Y/N: Already? Surprising. 
He said, chuckling as he looked at another screen to see Hailey walk into a room. 

Y/N: No point in lingering around. 
He said before unplugging his scroll and walked out of the room. 

(Small Lemon Scene) 

To Hailey 

Hailey: Come on. Let's have some fun. 
She giggles as she drags the girl down the hall. 

Girl: Have I ever told you, you look so beautiful in that suit. 
She purrs as she follows Hailey into the room to see a couch and table. 

Hailey: Oh my. Perfect for the two of us. 
She said before kissing her roughly as the girl moans into the kiss, wrapping her arms around her neck. 

Girl: So rough. I like it. 
She purrs seductively as Hailey giggles before kissing her more. 

Hailey continues to kiss the girl before laying her on the couch. 

Hailey: Beautiful Mia. 
She said as the girl now known as Mia smiled at her before kissing her. 

Hailey kisses back before slowly moving up her body, kissing her neck as Mia moans softly. Hailey continued to kiss her neck as Mia flipped Hailey onto her back. 

Hailey: Oh my. 
She giggles as Mia slowly took off her top, revealing her breasts. 

Hailey kisses Mia softly as Mia slowly wrapped her arms around her neck, deepening the kiss. 

Mia: Such a good kisser. So much better than the others here. 
She pants softly as Hailey kisses her roughly, her hand slowly down her backside. 

Mia: Why don't we have some fun. 
She purrs seductively as Hailey smirks before kissing her roughly. 

Mia moans into the kiss as Hailey shoved a syringe into her neck, feeling her struggle as she attempted to get out of her hold before going motionless. 

Hailey: Thanks for the fun baby. 
She giggles and gets up to look at her. 

Hailey: Time to get out of here. 
She said before picking up Mia and walking out of the room. 

To Y/N 

Y/N sat in his car as he went through his scroll, looking through the data as Hailey slowly approached the car. 

Hailey: Look at you tech boy. Sitting there while I had fun. 
She purrs as she carried the girl on her shoulde.r 

Y/N: Seems like you had fun. 
He said blankly as he continued to scroll the data. 

Hailey: Open the trunk. Wouldn't want her waking up and breaking out of the car. 
She said as the trunk popped open. 

Hailey: Thank you very much. 
She said before placing Mia into the trunk and closing it. 

Hailey: So...what are you doing. 
She said as she sat in the car, looking at his scroll. 

Y/N: Going through data. 
He said as he continued to scroll the data. 

Hailey: Hmm... you atlesians with all your technology. 
She said as Y/N continued to scroll through the data. 

Y/N: As long it gets the job done. 
He said before turning off his scroll. 

Hailey: So what now? 

Y/N: Easy. Leak the information and use her as bait. 

Here is chapter 25 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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