Chapter 2 : Atlas

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Third Person POV

In a room, atlesian soldiers were looking at computers screens while Winter stood behind them.

Winter: Show me what the hell happened in that room!
She yelled at the soldiers.

Winter: I need to know who attacked the man we caught.
She ordered.

The atlesian soldiers continued to search through the footage to only hear a voice.

???: Tha-*static* hint *static* tell me. *static* is S/N L/N.

Winter: S/N L/N?
She said confusingly.

???: Where is she.
They heard through the audio.

Winter: Is this person looking for S/N L/N? You two look for anyone related to her and anyone she has contact with.
She orders the two atlesian soldiers.

Winter: How did he get into the facility without anyone noticing him. All that happened was that we got an unknown phone called from the same place where we found the man and multiple dead bodies. In the bar talking about...Human trafficking.
She grit her teeth.

Winter: They could have taken someone like Weiss.
She thought to herself.

Winter: Yet all we know is that someone took down a portion of the human trafficking here.

Atlesian Soldier 1: Ma'am. We got a name.
One said.

Winter: What is it?

Atlesian Soldier 1: A boy or man by the name of Y/N. No physical look of him. Wait. We have no data on him. F/N M/N. Both deceased.

Winter: So Y/N should be the only one around.

Atlesian Soldier 2: The condition of this Y/N is unknown. According to recent news, it seems like he disappeared.

Winter: Then who is looking for her.

To Y/N

Y/N was walking off of the bullhead as he looked around to see nothing but rich men and women in Atlas.

Y/N: Hmm.
He said as he started walking down the street.

???: Who is this boy.

???: How could such clothing exist in Atlas.
A woman said as she looked at Y/N's clothing in disgust.

Y/N: Hmm.
He said as he walked away.

???: Ow! Stop it!
He heard a yell.

Y/N turned down an alley as he walked down to see a 3 guys pinning a fox girl faunas against the wall.

Man 1: Shut up animal.

Man 2: Shut up and do what your master ordered you.
One said as he gripped the faunas by the ears, tears running down her cheeks.


One of the men were shot in the head as the other two turned around to see Y/N holding a revolver in hand.

Man 1: What the fuck!
One yelled as they looked at him.


Y/N pulled the trigger as the man dropped the fox faunas as he started running.

Y/N: I don't think so.
He said and a pipe blew open. The knob hitting the man at the head, blowing him against the wall.

Fox Faunas: D-D-Don't hurt me.
She said with fear as she looked down, tears running down her cheeks.

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