Chapter 28: Neon

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Third Person POV 

A man was sitting in a living room with a cup in hand as he looked at a monitor. 

Man: Where is Josef? 
The man asked before pulling out his scroll to see the time. 

Man: It's midnight and he isn't home. 
The man complains before taking a sip out of his cup. 

The man sipped out of his cup before hearing a window crack. 

Man: What the hell. 
He said as he placed the cup on a table before opening a drawer and grabbed a handgun. 

The man slowly walked out of the living room, peeking around the corner to see the kitchen. 

Man: Who was that? 
He thought to himself as he slowly walked into the kitchen, holding his gun up as he scanned the room. 

Man: That's strange. 
He thought to himself before seeing something at the corner of his eye. 

The man slowly turned to the side a head, his eyes widening in shock as his gun fell to the ground. 

Man: J-J-Josef...

Outside of the home, Hailey sat in her car as she looked at the man through a camera with a grin. 

Hailey: Oh how I love when one breaks down. What a sight to behold. A father witnessing his son's dismembered head and knowing he can't do anything about it. Oh how this city brings me pleasure. 

To Neon 

Neon was sitting in a car as she looked at the floor, holding her scroll in hand. 

???: Hey Neon, what's wrong. 
A voice said to her as she slowly looked up to see boy with a pair of shades with a hat on. 

Neon: Nothing Flynt. 
She said before looking back at the floor. 

Flynt: Come on Neon. You're never this gloomy. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Neon: I just miss him. 
She said as she clenches her fists. 

Flynt: We'll find him. 
He said as he wraps his arm around her, feeling her arms around him as she sobbed into his shoulder. 

Neon: O-O-Only if we were able to protect his little sister. 
She sobs into his shoulder as Flynt rubs her back. 

Flynt: We'll find him. 
He mutters into her ear as he rubs her back. 


???: Come on. We're at the site. 
A voice said as Flynt looked up to see Winter get out of the car. 

Flynt: Neon. Come on, let's go. 
He said as Neon slowly got up and wiped her tears before getting out of the car to see bodies scattered in front of a house. 

Neon: O-O-Oh my god. 
She gasps, covering her mouth in disgust as Winter scanned the area. 

Flynt: What happened here? 
He asked before covering his face with his shirt. 

Winter: Scattered randomly. Bullet wounds to the chest, arms, and head. 
She said before looking at the house. 

Winter: What were they doing here? 
She asked herself as she walked towards the house, her hand on her hilt as she approached the door. 


Winter stood there as a glyph slowly formed, blocking the shot as she walked into the building. 

???:'s you. 
She heard a raspy voice as her eyes widen. 

Winter: Y/N? 
She asked as Y/N leaned against a wall, blood running down his left arm as his right arm dropped to the ground. 

Neon: Y/N! 
She yells as she rushed into the room and wrapped her arms around him, sobbing. 

Neon: W-W-What happened? 
She asked as tears ran down her cheeks. 

Y/N: Simple...
He chuckles as Flynt knelt by him, looking at his shoulder. 

Flynt: He's need medical attention. 
He said as he looked at Winter. 

Y/N: And her. 
He said as the three looked at him with confusion. 

Flynt: Who? 
He asked as Y/N looked at S/N laying on a bed with his blue coat over her. 

Neon: Y-Y-You found her? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Y/N: Quick and simple. 
He said as Winter walked out of the building, touching her ear piece. 

Flynt: Come on, let's get you out of here. 

Somewhere Else 

Jacques was sitting in a room as he held a cup in hand before hearing a creak from a door. 

???: Father, you have a visitor. 
A boy with white hair said as Jacques looked at him with annoyance. 

Jacques: I told you I didn't want to be disturbed. Why did you let them in. 
He said as he looked at the young boy. 

???: I didn't. He...let himself in. 
He said as a man with black and gray hair, wearing a large coat walked into the room. 

???: A spitting image of you Jacques. Appropriate so I might add. He's definitely inherited...your affect. 
He said, placing his hand on top of a book before looking at Jacques. 

Jacques: Arthur. Whitely, leave us and shut the door. 
He said as turned towards the boy now known as Whitely. 

Jacques: I said, shut the door! 
He repeated once more as Whitely slowly closed the door. 

Jacques: I... you're supposed to be dead. 
He said as he looked at Arthur. 

Arthur: That is what I wanted people to think, you're right. However, I've heard things about you too Jacques. 
He said before looking at him. 

Arthur: Mainly that you have an Ironwood problem. 
He said as Jacques scoffed. 

Jacques: That bastard is costing me more money everyday with this embargo. And laid off every employee in Mantle if I wasn't trying to get their damn vote for this council seat. 
He cursed loudly as Arthur sat down. 

Arthur: What if I said you could have your have cake and eat it too? 

Here is chapter 28 of You'll Never See me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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