Chapter 21: Amity Arena

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Third Person POV 

Sarah: S/N. 
She called out to S/N as she stood in front Y/N's room, knocking on the door. 

Sarah: S/N. It's me, Sarah. 
She said as she continued to knock on the door. 

Sarah: S/N. Please open the door. Your brother sent me to watch you while he is gone. 
She said and knocked once more before seeing the door slowly open, seeing her hold one of Y/N's revolver in hand. 

Sarah: Whoa... S/N. Put that down...
She said, holding her arms up in fear. 

S/N: H-H-How do I know...
She said, fear running through her voice. 

Sarah: What? 

S/N: H-How do I know y-y-you're alone...
She repeated, tears running down her cheeks as she held the gun in hand. 

Sarah: S/N...why would I do that to you? 
She asked as S/N slowly lowered the gun and slowly backed up. 

S/N: Get in and lock the door. 
She orders as Sarah slowly walked in and closed the door. 

Sarah: S/N...just calm down. 
She said with hints of fear. 

S/N continued to look at her before turning around and walking towards her bed. 

Sarah: S/N? 
She asked as S/N laid on her bed before covering herself with a blanket. 

Sarah sighs as she looked around the room, seeing nothing but plates around S/N's bed as she laid on the bed. 

Sarah: I'm sorry. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was sitting in a car as he looked at his scroll. 

Y/N: So this is Amity Arena. Almost forgot that it ever existed. 
He chuckles as he looked Ironwood and Winter before looking outside to see nothing but snow around them. 

Y/N: Mind telling me why the hell we're going out here in the cold.

Winter: This is where Amity Arena is at and where we are meeting with the others.

Y/N: Who? 

Ironwood: Team RWBY from Beacon Academy and the ace ops. 

Y/N: Those four girls from Beacon if I remember...and the ace ops, what a pain in the ass. 
He said with hints of annoyance. 

Winter: Let me guess, you and the ace ops fought each other once. 

Y/N: Yes. 
He said as he pulled out his scroll, showing a missing poster of a little girl. 

Y/N: Throughout my time looking for my baby sister, I've came across a few transmission leaks. 

Winter: And what were in those leaks. 

Y/N: Transportation convoys. 

Winter: So you were the one that caused that crash. 
She said with hints of anger. 

Y/N: A necessary one. 3 cars with armed guys in the front and back. Also illegal weapons in the mix. With a semi truckload of trafficked kids. All it took was a simple take over of the cars themselves. 
He said with a smirk. 

Winter: And ran them into the old establishments, crushing them. 

Y/N: Yes. 

Winter: Why. We would have arrested them. 
She growls as Ironwood held her back. 

Y/N: Then they'll have their buddies bust their ass out of prison and do it all over again with better tech than before. Do you think these traffickers are dumb? 

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