Prologue: The City Of Mantle

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A/N: Also, this story is going to be in between V6 and V7.

Third Person POV

Beacon Academy fell. That was all the people knew. Ever since the academy fell, Atlas had a bad reputation. Seeing that academy students being killed by the atlesian robots and countless students either dead or missing. Ever since then, the atlesian army retreated back to the kingdom of Atlas.

The most advanced city of Remnant. The one with the most powerful military.

???: But however.

???: What happens when that power is taken at the touch of a finger.
A boy said as he looked at the screen, smirking as a revolver laid at his hand.

 A boy said as he looked at the screen, smirking as a revolver laid at his hand

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???: Boop. 
He said before touching the screen as the screen turned off. 

In the cold city of Mantle, there was a man walking in a coat with his phone in his hand. 

Wife: Hey luv, when are you going to be home? 

???: Still at the office. 
The man texted back. 

The man continued to walk across the street as humans and faunas walked on the streets, going along their business. As the man continued to walk through the street, he felt someone hit his shoulder before turning to see a boy with H/C hair looking at his phone. Ear buds plugged in as he walked away. 

???: Prick. 
He said before continuing to walk away, unaware of the boy. 

The man took his phone out once more to check his phone to see a password. The man puts his phone away as he continues to walk until he runs across the street, going around a corner before seeing a man in a black leather jacket and black pants. The man opens the door for him as he walks into see a woman waiting for him. 

The woman opens the door for him as she walks into a room filled with people. People drinking at a bar while some were eating. Human girls and faunas girls dancing on a pole while he walked through the room and into an elevator. The elevator door closes and the elevator does down while the man waits. 


The man walks out of the elevator to see another man with a gun in hand before walking to the door behind the guard. The man inserts the code in before walking into the room to see a couple more men in the room, in front of multiple screens overlooking the bar. 

???: Good to see you. 
One man said as he shook the man's hand. 

The man nods as he looks at the screens before it switched. Showing multiple girls in their undergarments. 

???: Which one you want out? 
One man said. 

???: Let's see this one. S/N L/N. 

???: What about her? 

???: She's young. Could be useful for the SDC. 

???: I'll take her up to Atlas. 

???: And sold. 
One man in the room chuckles. 

???: She's going to a man in Atlas.

???: We're going to rich. And no one will suspect a thing. 
One said with excitement. 

Unknown to them, a boy was just outside of the room. The guard went through a punch at him but he suddenly disappeared. The guard looked around as he aimed at his gun. Suddenly he felt a pair of arms around his neck before his life flashed before his eyes.


The boy snapped the guard's neck, killing him before grabbing his phone and using his semblance to hack all of his details. 

???: You think you're untouchable? Let me shatter your illusions. 
He said before hacking the door and the systems inside. 


The phones and the screens in the room suddenly started glitching as the boy pulled out his revolvers. The door opens as the boy pulled out his baton as one of the guards noticed him. 

The boy grabbed one guard before hitting another in the neck, killing him. The boy hit the guard's arm in front of him before wrapping his arm around his neck before shooting at another guard in the head. The last guard in the room aimed at the boy but was shot in the head before the man in charge aimed at him. The boy ducked behind cover as he hacked the fire sprinklers, causing the man's gun to jam before running out of cover before seeing the man looking at him in the eyes. 


The boy shot the man in the head before running up to the last man, pinning him up against the multiple screens. The man looking at him in fear before hearing sirens. 

The boy growls in anger as he hacked his phone and details before shooting the man in the knee caps. 

The boy quickly teleported out of the building as he started running down the alleyway. 

???: Freeze! 
The boy stopped as he looked behind him, seeing the atlesian hunteresses behind him. 

Boy: Blackout. 
He said the city suddenly went dark. 

Huntsman: What the-
He said before being kicked the stomach. 

Huntress: Where did he g-
The huntress was kneed in the stomach as the boy aimed at them before tossing the gun onto the ground and running away. 

The man was cuffed as he walked out of the building, limping as the cops and huntsmen looked at him. Suddenly the tv screens in the area flickered, showing the woman with the word "sold". 

With only three words looking at him. 

"I'm watching you." 

Here is the prologue of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

Also pairing? 

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