Chapter 26: Nightmare

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"Why torment yourself saying, "Eventually, someday?" How long have you been fighting with your thought clouded by that brand of sweet poison." 
-Rau Le Cruset 

Third Person POV 

In a dark room, a large set of doors slowly opened as light flowed into the room. Revealing S/N as she slowly looked up to see a group of men with weapons standing with another in a suit. 

Man: Take her, her, her and this one. 
The man pointed as one of the rifleman grabbed S/N. 

S/N: NO! 
She screamed as she attempted to push him off of her. 

Rifleman: Shut up. 
The man said before slapping her, knocking her down onto the ground. 

The man picked up S/N before placing her inside a cargo hold. 

Man in Suit: Welcome to Mantle Ms L/N. 
The man said as the men shut the door on S/N and the others. 

Y/N's POV 


???: My dear little boy. 
I heard a voice as I looked around me. 

"Who said that?" 
I asked as I continued to scan the area. 

???: Come on Y/N. Eat your food. 
A familiar voice said as I turned around to see S/N sitting with me. 

"What is this." 
I said as I looked at the scene in front of me. 

S/N: Look at you in your uniform. 
She said with a smile as she looked at my younger self. 

Y/N: What? I just became a 3rd year. 
He said as S/N smiled. 

S/N: That means you can go to store and buy me more food. 
She giggles. 

Y/N: Of course you'll say that. 

???: Y/N! S/N! Food's ready. 
A voice called out. 

S/N: Come on Y/n. 
She said before grabbing his hand and dragged him into another room with another woman. 

???: Eat you two. 
She said as she placed two plates on the table. 

S/N: Thanks mom!
She said with a smile before eating her food. 

Y/N: Thanks mom. 
He said and ate his food. 

M/N: Did you get your stuff ready? 
She asked as the two nodded their heads. 

"This seems so long ago." 
I thought to myself, clenching my fists. 

M/N: S/N. Did you get your stuff ready for Atlas? 
She asked. 

S/N: Yeah. Going to be up there with big brother. 
She said with a smile. 

Y/N: And that mean I'll probably have to baby sit you. 
He said, chuckling as S/N pouts. 

S/N: I'm not a baby anymore. 


I yelled in pain as I covered my ears before seeing that I was in a hospital room. 

I said as I shook my head. 

???: M-M-Mom? 
I heard her crackling voice before turning around to see S/N standing in front of two bodies covered with blankets. 

???: S/N. What happened? 

S/N didn't answer before hugging my younger self, sobbing loudly into his shoulder as Y/N looked at the set of bodies with shock. 

S/N: M-M-M-M-Mom. D-D-Dad. W-W-W-Why today. 
She sobs loudly into his shoulder as Y/N slowly wrapped his arm around her, rubbing her back. 

???: W-W-Why Y/N? 
I heard her crackling voice once more before turning around to see S/N stumbling towards me, shivering as tears ran down her cheeks. 

S/N: W-W-Why weren't you there. W-Why weren't you there when I cried out for you. 
She said, getting closer and closer as blood slowly dropped to the ground. 

S/N: You said you'd take care of me. But they took me. 
She said as I looked away from her. 

S/N: Again! 
She yelled before feeling her hands around my throat. 

Dream Ends 

Third Person POV 

Y/N: Gah! 
He jolted up, gasping for air before looking around the room. 

Y/N: Just a dream. 
He said to himself before slowly getting up and walking down a hallway. 

He heard a man's voice yell out. 


???: Then tell me. Where is Ms L/N. 
Her voice rung out as Y/N walked into the room to see Hailey with knife in hand. 

Hailey: Oh hey Y/N. Leaked the information while you were asleep. 
She said before looking at the man. 

He yelled at her once more. 

Hailey: Don't worry. She's safe. 
She said with a grin. 

Hailey: She'll be safe as long I have fun. 
She giggles. 


He screamed in pain as Hailey looked at Y/N with shock. 

Y/N sat down in front of him before shoving the gun into his mouth. 

Y/N: I want S/n's location and your boss's name. 
He said as the man gags, looking at him with fear. 

Hailey: I don't think he can spea-
She said before seeing Y/N pull the gun out of the man's throat before slamming against the man's head. 

The man crashed onto his side before Y/N planted his foot on the man's wound, causing him to scream in pain. 

Y/N: Names. 
He said with anger as Hailey grinned at the sight before her. 

Hailey: Have fun L/N. Going to have fun breaking the girl. 
She said as the man looked at her with fear. 

Man: NO! Leave her alone you monsters! 
He yelled as Hailey turned her towards him. 

Hailey: Oh? And what's going to stop me? 
She asked, placing her hand on her hip. 

Man: Please! I'll do anything! Please just don't hurt my girl! 
He begged as tears ran down his cheeks. 

Y/N: Her location. Now. 
He said before stomping onto the man's head, hearing him scream. 

Man: Atlas! SHE'SINATLAS! 
He screams in pain as Y/N grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall, hearing him grasp for air. 

Hailey: Oh my. 
She licks her lips. 

Y/N: And your boss's name. 
He growls with anger as he tightened his hold on the man's hold, hearing him gasp louder. 

Man: Q-Q-Q-Quinn. 
He gasps weakly as Y/N drops him to the ground, hearing him gasp for air. 

Hailey: Now what? 


The man dropped to the ground as Y/N walked out of the room. 

Y/N: Get this filth off my property. Take the girl back. 
He said with anger before getting onto a motorcycle and driving off. 

Hailey: Of course he'll leave me to clean up his mess. 

Here is chapter 26 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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