Chapter 31: New Mission

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Third Person POV 

Y/N: Having fun Hailey? 
He asked as he stood in front of a window, holding a scroll against his ear. 

Hailey: Of course. Haven't had this much fun since I've wiped out Mistral's trafficking ring. 
She said as she wrapped her shoulder in bandages. 

Y/N: Have you found Quinn yet? 
He asked as he slowly turned around to see S/N slowly reaching for a bowl. 

Hailey: Got some information saying that he's going to be at a black market meeting. 
She answered as she walking onto a balcony, seeing the night sky. 

Hailey: Must say, I don't mind living Atlas. It's beautiful here in the sky. 
She said as Y/N chuckles. 

Y/N: Enjoy yourself while it last. 
He said and hung up before looking at S/N as she ate her food. 

Y/N: How is it? 
He asked as S/N slowly looked at him with her dulled E/C eyes. 

S/N: G-G-Good. 
She stuttered as Y/N sat by her. 


Y/N: Damn it. Who is it? 
He cursed as S/N froze in her seat. 

Y/N: I wonder what could it be this time. 
He cursed before opening the door to see team RWBY. 

Y/N: Oh, it's you four. 
He said as Ruby looked at him with a smile. 

Y/N: What is it?

Ruby: Ironwood told us that we have a mission to go to. 

Y/N: Us? 

Ruby: Yeah... Ironwood wants you to join us on this mission. 
She said as she played with her fingers. 

Y/N: What are the details of this mission? 
He asked as he felt a tug on his arm. 

Yang: Oh, sorry for bothering you. 
She said as S/N tugged on his arm. 

Y/N: Just give me the details. 
He said as Yang rubbed the back of her head. 

Ruby: We're to meet with Robyn at her convention. 
She said as S/N hugged Y/N's arm tightly. 

Y/N: I see. I'll meet you guys there. 
He said before closing the door as S/N gripped his arm tighter. 

Y/N: S/N... 
He said as she looked at him with her fearful E/C eyes. 

S/N: D-D-D-Don't go. 
She stuttered as her nails dug into his arm. 

Y/N: S/N. I have to go. 
He said as S/N continued to hug his arm. 

S/N: N-N-N-No. 
She said as she laid her head on his arm while Y/N sighs. 

Y/N: Come on. I'll take you to Neon's room. 
He said as S/N shook her head. 

Y/N: S/N. It's going to be alright. 
He said as he placed his hand on her head, patting her. 

S/N: W-W-Will you come back? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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