Chapter 24: Preparations

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Third Person POV 

Hailey stood in a dressing room as she slowly pulled her hair back, looking at herself in the mirror. 

Hailey: Hey Y/N. I must admit, you atlesians might have the best dresses. 
She said through the door as she grinned. 

Hailey: A bar, check. Public, check. Drinks, check. My favorite. 
She giggles to herself as she looked at her dress. 

Hailey: Perfect

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Hailey: Perfect. 
She giggles before opening the door to see Y/N sitting down as he looked at her. 

Y/N: Did you really have to pick that type? 

Hailey: All that matters is the request. You want someone to disappear, I'll do whatever it takes. 

Y/N: Is that so?
He asked as Hailey walked towards him. 

Hailey: Why so tech boy. 
She said, sitting by him as she crossed her legs. 

Hailey: Plus, this is Atlas. I'm going to be having fun here. The two girls you want me to deliver. Plus rich snobs are easy to bring down. 
She coos seductively. 

Hailey: Just a little pill and we can have fun from there. 
She said before getting up and walking out of the room, swaying her hips side to side. 

Y/N: Good to hear. 
He thought to himself before looking at his phone to see a photo of S/N and him together. 

Y/N scrolled through the photo before seeing the messages between him and S/N. 

S/N: Hey, bring some food when you come back to the house. 

Y/N: Ran out again? 

S/N: No, just want something out of the house. 

Y/N: Again? 

S/N: Come o, just get me some damn food. 

Y/N: What do you want then. 

S/N: The usual. 

Y/N: Fine. 


Y/N smiled as he continued to scroll through his messages, seeing photos of him with S/N and Sarah.

Y/N: I'll fine you. 
He said as a tear slowly ran down his cheek. 

Hailey: Hey, we going. 
She said, standing at the door with her hand on her hip. 

Y/N: Yeah. 
He said before turning off his phone and walked out of the room, wiping his tear away. 

Hailey: I'm surprised you even went to the point of calling me to come here. 
She said as they walked out of the store. 

Hailey: And aren't you going to pay for this? 

Y/N: Already done. 
He said as he walked to his car before opening the door for her. 

Hailey: Thank you. 
She said with a smile before getting into the car. 

Y/N closed the door and got into the driver's seat before pressing the engine button, hearing the engine roar. 

Hailey: You're all lucky you have this type of tech. 
She said as Y/N drove. 

Y/N: Why is that. 

Hailey: Mistral. What a city full of crime. Here, you have sentries posted at a corner. 

Y/N: Hmm... 

Hailey: And you have the best tech here. Mistral has no such thing. 

Y/N: Fair point. 
He said as he continued to drive. 

Hailey: So you got the location of the two girls. 
She said as they drove past a bar. 

Hailey: The afterlife huh. 
She said as Y/N parked on the side of the room. 

Y/N: Yes. The afterlife. 

Hailey: Never thought I'd be going in there. 
She said with excitement. 

Y/N: Why is that. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Hailey: Because I can have fun with your two targets. 
She says, giggling. 

 I made you a reservation V. 

Hailey: Thank you cutie. 
She said before getting out of the car. 

Y/N: Just those two girls and S/N will be saved. 
He thought to himself. 

To Hailey 

Hailey slowly walked towards the entrance as the others looked at her with shock and awe. 

???: Hey, how come she can do that? 
One asked as Hailey approached the guard wearing a pair of shades. 

Guard: What's your name? 
He asked her. 

Hailey: Name's V. 
She said as the guard tapped his shades, lighting up slightly. 

Guard: Hmm...there you are Ms V. 
He said as the doors slowly opened. 

Hailey smiles before walking into the building, hearing music boom throughout the room as she grinned. 

Hailey: Time to have some fun. 
She thought to herself, licking her lips as she approached the room. 

Hailey: I wonder what I should do to those girls. Seduce? Drug? Family? Oh, so many ways to get them and hurt them. Oh this will be so much fun. 

Here is chapter 24 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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