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Jungkook sat on his bed, tears brimming in his eyes. His parents are always understanding so they'll understand him in this too..right? Because there's no way he is getting married. Taehyung and his attitude is secondary, but first he is not marrying anyone, he is not ready to get married yet. Besides he wants to fall in love and experience that beautiful feeling.

Right now jungkook wants to speak to someone, if its any other matter he would've spoke to his mom..but right now he is angry with his parents, so he dials the first number in his contacts and that being jimin.

Hello kookie.

H-hyung. He says with a muffled cry.

Kookie.Baby are you okay?

Hyung..can you come o-over please?...n-need emergency cuddles. He says as another cry leaves his mouth.

On it already. I'll bring jin and hobi hyung along and all your favorite snacks too.

His hyungs arrive after some time. He can hear his parents speak to them in the other side of the door, they're concerned about jungkook but he doesn't want to speak to them,just yet.

Kookie open the door, its us. Jin says knocking gently.

He slowly walks up to the door and opens it. His hyungs stand there with concern and worry filled eyes. They're also shocked by looking at jungkook's red eyes and tear stained cheeks.

Oh my! What happened to you baby? Jimin asks engulfing jungkook into a hug. And jungkook starts crying again. Hobi joins their hug and jin pats jungkook's head and rubs soothing circles on his back to calm him. Jin pushes the three into the room and locks the door.

Now , come sit here and drink some water. Jin says in a gentle tone.

Jungkook does as said. Seeing jungkook cry brought slight tears to jimin's eyes but he tried his best to hold back, because he is supposed to be comforting jungkook .After jungkook calms down they all sit down close to him. Jin takes jungkook's hand in his.

Now tell us what happened? Jin asks though they already knew cause jungkook's parents told them when they arrived here.

Jungkook takes a deep breathe and tells his hyungs everything.

I don't want to get married hyung. He says tears filling his eyes again.

Don't cry. We'll sort this out hm? Hobi says hugging jungkook from the side.

Why don't you want to get married? Jin asks.

No. Am not ready yet. I don't wanna marry a stranger. Also, remember you told how arrogant he is? I don't like him. He pouts.

You didn't even meet him yet. Jimin chuckles at jungkook's cuteness.

His hyungs think its better if jungkook marries taehyung cause his parents told them the reason and jungkook can be safe with The Kims. But jungkook seems to not like the idea one bit.

So they try to convince jungkook to meet taehyung first and they can talk about this and so jungkook agrees.


Now they all sit in The Jeon's living room along with jungkook's parents.

Dad, why do you wanna get me married so soon? Am not ready.

I understand jungkook. But this is for your own safety. You'll be more safe with The Kims.

And what makes you think am not safe with you? You,mom and hyungs are my safe place dad.

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