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Jungkook looks out of his hospital window as soon he sees his family entering the room.

He's not angry at the just upset, disappointed, betrayed.

Jungkook-ah. His mom calls. Tears well up in his eyes, emotions overflowing. He sniffs.

Jungkook-ah, I know you don't feel like seeing us or talking to us but please listen to us. You know we never intended for any of this to happen right? His mom sniffs.

All we wanted for you was to keep you safe, and since we were not able to provide you that safety we thought it would be a good idea to send you to the Kims. No one ever dares to touch them they are powerful and being a part of their family would be even safer for you. But guess we were wrong. We weren't able to keep you safe even then. She cries and jungkook does too.

We wanted a good life for you, we couldn't provide that for you. I'm so sorry sweetheart. She cries and his father talks, apologizes too.

'Ts not your fault. He says with wobbling lips.

Mrs.Kim sits next to him and holds his hand.

You know, when your parents proposed this marriage we were reluctant at agreeing at first, we thought it might put you in more danger, and we didn't wanna owe your parents if something happens to you. And I wanted a better life for you. I know my son would never fall for someone, you deserved to live where you are loved. She smiles softly whilst tears roll down her cheeks.

But when your mom showed me your pictures, I knew what I had to do. We wanted to protect you, but I'm so sorry that I couldn't live up to it. You looked so pure, so innocent in those pictures, the exact opposite of what my son was. Call me selfish but as a mother I wanted my son to have someone like you in his life, I thought you will be able to change him, tame him and break his walls. Which I was right about, you did. She wipes her cheeks. Jungkook doesn't know if he did though.

I'm just, I'm sorry, that we put you in danger. And Thank you for taming the beast in my son and bringing back the human in him. I always owe you. I'm so glad you're alright. Get well soon. She kisses his forehead.

Jungkook tells them that they're not at fault, that no one could have predicted it and that he's mad at them. Because he understand why they hid it from him.

But he can't say the same for taehyung.

*+。.。 。.。:+*

When all of them leave, Jungkook is still staring out of his window. Jin, jimin, and hobi stayed back to give him company. They talk about everything, making silly jokes trying to get a smile from jungkook.

Because at the moment a lot is going on his mind a lot of questions.

Hyung? He speaks in a low voice getting the attention of all his hyungs. They are happy that jungkook is talking finally.

Yes, koo? Jin asks his voice happy.

Where is he? He asks still staring out the window, the city lights flickering beautifully. They share a look before looking back at the younger with a soft smile.

He's just outside.

Well. Jungkook thinks. He's just outside but didn't even come to see me.

Why? Why didn't he come to see me? I'm the one that's supposed to be mad at him and ignore him, he didn't come to check up on me. He says.

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