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Jungkook wakes up earlier than usual. Because he's going out with taehyung. Right. And he woke up and did nothing. Why? Coz he says he is nervous and his mind is blank. After 1 hour of sitting still, he decides to shower.

He comes back and rummages through his closet. He pulls up a black jean and a blue turtle neck sweatshirt.

Jungkook doesn't like to overdress or dress up for someone else

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Jungkook doesn't like to overdress or dress up for someone else. He always wears comfortable clothes and neither does he care about brands.

After getting ready he grabs his mobile and wallet and heads down to the dining room, to be greeted by his parents. They have their breakfast while his parents tell him how to behave when he is with taehyung.

Mom, am grown up I can behave myself.

Ok ok. Continue eating. She says.

Mid breakfast Their doorbell rings and his mom says it must be Mrs. Kim.
I'll go now, Wait for taehyung he'll be here soon. Take care and be safe. She leaves after kissing jungkook's cheeks.


Jungkook has now finished his breakfast and is waiting for taehyung for around 15 minutes.

"He is never on time. Doesn't he know punctuality" He thinks. He looks at his dad who is also waiting for taehyung so he can send them off and go for work.

"Dad I don't think he'll come anytime soon, you can leave" Before his dad could speak their door bell rings. His dad walks up to open the door. After few seconds he hears his dad call his name and he walks to the doorway.

Taehyung was standing there, dressed casually with sunglasses on. Jungkook never knew taehyung could dress so casually. But that doesn't matter now, he's too busy looking at taehyung and thinking how good taehyung looks.

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