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Taehyung leaned his head on the window as he sighed.

We are here with you, we got you, we'll bring him back I promise. Yoongi said from beside him.

I've been killing for years, and tonight am gonna use everything I've learned to save jungkook. Taehyung said determinedly.

I'll come for you, please be alright. He thinks mentally.

How much longer? He asks the driver.

We are almost there tae. Namjoon says from beside the driver.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Pretty boy aren't ya? The man says as he traces jungkook's jaw.

Don't touch me! Jungkook spits on the man's face, the man's face morphing into anger.

You're here in our custody and still have the audacity to run your mouth like that huh? You know you can get killed in the blink of an eye. The man says, gripping harder on the boy's jaw.

I would rather die than let you touch me. And I know you wouldn't dare kill me. Coward. Jungkook says.

And the next thing he registers is a slap landing on his cheek.

It stings. His eyes prickle with tears, it hurts like a bitch, but the thing is no one has ever hit him before. No one.

What the fuck? He hears a voice and looks up to find sungwook by the door.

Jae? Are you crazy? You fucker, who gave you the right to hurt him? Sungwook says walking towards the man who he learns to be Jae.

You know, I told Kim I wouldn't hurt this boy, if he finds out we hurt him Kim will burn us, you are going against what am planning. He pushes Jae away as he examines jungkook before he leaves.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Taehyung's heart rate picks up as he stands in front of the warehouse. He has been on so many missions before, but he never hesitated.

But jungkook is here, and he has to keep him safe.

He sighs as he walks towards the main gate. The guard recognizes him and opens the gate.

They check him thoroughly for weapons and let him in when they find none.

He walks into the warehouse, and sees 50 men or so. There were already a lot of them outside, there must be men upstairs too then.

Well well well. Welcome to hyena's cave Mafia King. Sungwook says walking down the stairs.

Cut the crap, where is jungkook?

Tsk. You just came, patience Kim. Sungwook tsks as he sits down on the arm Chair, and signals taehyung to sit.

Taehyung is so close to losing all his temper, but he can't.

Calm down Taehyung-ah. He hears namjoon through the headphone.

He begrudgingly takes a seat.

Never thought I would see a day where the Kim taehyung comes down his throne for fucking boy that he was arranged to. Sungwook snickers.

Cut to the chase. You want me dead? Show me jungkook, send him back safely, and then kill me.

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