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Ignore mistakes :)

It's been six months. Six months since he moved to Busan since he left his family and friends back in Seoul since he left his love behind.

He doesn't regret it, moving away really helped him heal, and to find and gather his broken parts back.

But he misses his family, his friends. He misses taehyung, so much that sometimes he just wants to go back. His heart longs and yearns for him. Love makes people go crazy.

He finished his degree online and graduated. Busan is such a beautiful city. His neighbor's 4-year-old kid jin woo was the only source of light when he arrived here first, the kid and he got so close, that he used to drop the kid at kindergarten and pick him up most of the time.

And that's how he volunteered to teach in jinwoo's kindergarten, but soon he passes the required tests and made his job permanent.

Now, the kids here are his constant source of happiness, he's happy and healing. But he still wishes taehyung was here with him sometime.

Eunwoo visits him every weekend, he doesn't ask anything about taehyung, and never talks about him, but eunwoo says how taehyung calls him to ask about jungkook from time to time jungkook's heart melts a little more.

Jungoo. He breaks out his thoughts when ara pulls on his legs.

Yes, Sweetie? He crouches down on her level.

Why is daddy not here yet? She pouts. He feels bad for her, her dad is a very rich and successful businessman here and a single dad on top of it. He understands him though, how hard it must be to handle a child alone when you're already so busy.

He has someone to pick her up all days except Fridays.

Dad must be having a tough day at work, Let's wait a little bit more hm? Let's paint until he comes. He says and ruffles her hair.

It's a bit lit, all the kids have left already. Jungkook contemplates whether he should drop her himself, but leaves the thought when her dad appears at their class doorstep, looking like a mess.

Daddyyyy! Ara squeals as she runs towards him as the dad picks her up.

Hello, sweetheart? How was school? He asks, placing a kiss on her cheek. He looks apologetically at jungkook who looks at the interaction fondly.

Am so sorry Jungkook-ssi. The meeting took longer than expected.

It's okay Mr.Park, it's not a big deal. He smiles.

Mr. Park looks at him for a moment, and he hesitates.

Ara and I are going to get some ice cream would like to join us? I wanna make it up to you for causing trouble.

Um? What? No, it's fine Mr.Park!

No no, I insist! Ara would love to have you there as well. Ara squeals excitedly asking jungkook to join.

He is aware of Mr. Parks' advances toward him, the man is not subtle at all. He thinks about how to decline ara's puppy eyes.

Please jungoo? Ara pouts, putting on her best puppy eyes. He's weak.

Okay. He thinks he can put up with this when he sees ara's face light up.

Okay! Come on let's go.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Ara sits next to jungkook, as they eat ice creams, playing and giggling.

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