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Jungkook comes downstairs, and sees taehyung and his parents talking. He can see taehyung's parents dressed up elegantly, but he can only see taehyung's back.

He takes shy steps towards them and Mrs. Kim's eyes immediately fall on him, a beautiful smile making its way to her lips, which jungkook shyly returns.

Oh my. You look so gorgeous sweetie. She says, gaining the other two men's attention, as she makes her way towards jungkook and embraces him.

 She says, gaining the other two men's attention, as she makes her way towards jungkook and embraces him

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You look very elegant yourself mom. He says and smiles.

Okay, lets leave then? Mr. Kim asks to which jungkook and Mrs. Kim nod. As soon as they start walking towards the entrance, jungkook's eyes fall on taehyung, who's already looking at him.

Taehyung looks so hot and handsome, and jungkook is having an internal crisis. But he looks down shyly, when he realizes taehyung's is still looking at him.

 But he looks down shyly, when he realizes taehyung's is still looking at him

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Taehyung has eyes and he knows how beautiful jungkook is. He has known it since he laid his eyes on jungkook. But the boy just gets prettier everytime taehyung looks at him.

And right now, he just wants to pull the younger boy closer and kiss him. But you know, taehyung is coward, and he won't do it.

Jungkook's heart threatens to fall out of his chest, when taehyung walks closer to him, and snakes an arm around jungkook's slim waist pulling the younger boy more closer.

Jungkook looks at taehyung with wide eyes, butterflies going wild in his stomach. When taehyung pulls him even closer, his hands finds its way to taehyung's chest. He can feel taehyung's heart beating just as fast as his own. He can feel taehyung's breath on his lips, and he can smell his cologne. And jungkook just wants to bury his face in the older's neck and inhale his scent.

You look exquisite. Taehyung says, his voice low, sending shivers down jungkook's spine. The younger boy's cheeks tint a bright red, as he looks down.

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