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They were going back to jungkook's home to drop him off. The car ride was again silent, until jungkook decided to break it.

What do you think about this marriage? I mean, why did you agree to this marriage?

You really think I agreed to this marriage? Taehyung scoffed. I was forced to agree. He continued.

Oh. Jungkook said. He would be lying if he said that didn't hurt him. It did hurt him a little bit to know taehyung was forced to marry him, even though he himself was forced to marry taehyung.

What about you? Taehyung asked.

I was...kinda forced too. My parents told me I was not safe with them. They won't tell me the detailed reason though. So I found myself agreeing to it.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. You are not safe with them?

Yes. That's what they told.

Taehyung didn't understand what jungkook was talking about, but he knew something was going on and both their parents are hiding it from them. He will make sure to ask them when he goes home.

Um... have you been in a relationship before. Jungkook asks, his doe eyes looking at taehyung with curiosity. Taehyung was a bit taken aback at that question.

What do you think? He instead asks jungkook, with a slight smirk.

Well, judging from your looks, yes you would've been in many relationships actually. Taehyung smirks.

But judging from your personality and character, no. Taehyung's smirk is replaced with a frown. He gives jungkook a fake offended look.

What? You really think people would date you with that character of yours? Even if someone dated you, they would've did it for your money and for a good fuck maybe? Jungkook says, with a playful glint.

Taehyung maintains his offended expression turns away to face the window, and jungkook chuckles.

Ok ok. Don't get worked up over that, I was just playing around. Taehyung faces jungkook, only to be met with jungkook's bunny smile. His heart flips at that.

What about you? Have you been in a relationship?

No. I don't really socialize. I don't even have friends, my hyungs and parents are everything to me.

Hm. You must be really close to your hyungs.

I am. Maybe you should meet them someday. They will love to meet you. Taehyung just nods his head, the car comes to a stop and both of them step out.

Ah. I really had fun today. Thank you. Jungkook says and steps forward and hugs taehyung. Taehyung was beyond shocked by that action of jungkook. Jungkook pulls back and smiles.

Bye, good night. He says and walks inside his home before taehyung could reply. Its not like he had the idea of saying it back anyways, he was too busy processing what happened.

He blinked his eyes and got back into the car.


Taehyung took a shower, changed into comfys and headed downstairs for dinner. His parents were already seated there.

There's something we need to talk about dad. He said as he took a seat, and the maid served him food.

Go on. His dad said and started eating.

Today I was talking to jungkook, he said he accepted this marriage because his parents told him he's not safe with them. I wonder why he is not safe with his own parents? That too, he is Jeon Junghyun's son. Richest company in seoul after us, and he also is a part of the our mafia?
There's something they're hiding from jungkook, and you know what it is. Tell me now.

His mom was looking at him with wide eyes, and his dad had stopped eating.

Well. I think it's time for you to know everything. Hm. His dad sighs.

As you said, jungkook's dad is a part of our mafia and he has a major role in it. Well jungkook doesn't know that.


Jungkook doesn't know his dad is in the mafia. His parents didn't want jungkook to be involved in this mess, and they were scared that he may get hurt and could be a possible weakness to them. Moreover jungkook hates mafias. He thinks we kill people for money.

Taehyung just sits still. Frozen at the information his dad told him.

Does that mean...he doesn't know am the mafia's....king too?

No. He doesn't and we are not planning to tell him any time soon.

But he deserves to know. We don't kill people for money. we are just cleaning the society and we only kill those who cause us problems and those who are really bad and dangerous to the society. Taehyung says.

Right, but think about the problems jungkook could get into if he was involved in this.

His dad is right. For some reason just the thought of jungkook being in problem terrifies him.

Wait.. and why is jungkook not safe with Mr. Jeon?

His dad looks down and his mom gulps.

Choi Sung-wook. His dad says. Taehyung looks at him with confused and questioning eyes, his hands curled into fists at the name his dad said.

What? what did he do?

He found out about jungkook. He is threatening Junghyun by using jungkook as a weakness against him. Few weeks back jungkook was so close to being kidnapped by sung-wook's men. Our men saved him right on time. He is trying to use jungkook against Junghyun, to get a revenge on us. Whilst jungkook being unknown of all these.

Taehyung was shocked was an understatement. He was terrified. How could he use a vulnerable person against a mafia? He was filled with rage, and he will surely not let go of sung-wook easily.

But, dad how come is he s-safe with us.

You're the mafia king, he is more safe with us. Also your mom really likes jungkook and wants him to be your husband. And I have never seen you so panicked before, you just stuttered. Jungkook already has an impact on you, I see. So am sure you'll protect won't you?

He definitely will. He thinks to himself and walks back to his room. He tries not to think about anything his dad said to him, so he drifts his mind to everything happened earlier. How jungkook called him tae, how he held his hands, how he hugged him. Unknowingly a smile crept on taehyung's face.

Is he already turning soft for the boy? Maybe yes. But he won't accept it. But all he know was that, he will never let go off jungkook and will protect him. Just from this day he knew jungkook made him happy.


Meanwhile at jungkook's home, he couldn't stop thinking about taehyung. He could tell taehyung is now a part of his small world.

He knew both of them was forced into this marriage, but was determined to make their marriage life happier.

Hello. Sorry for the late update again. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also just, One more chapter before the wedding.😗

Stream BE. Stay safe~ ♡

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