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For the past 15 minutes taehyung sits, he just sits, numb to everything and staring into the void.

The entire house is quiet, the rain stopped, only the noises of crickets and raindrops falling from leaves seem to be keeping taehyung company.

He wipes off his dried tears, takes his car key and he half walks and a half runs towards the entrance.

Taehyung-ah! His mom calls out in panic.

Where are you going? She asks, he turns around, eyes starting to water again.

Jungkook, he's out, it's been almost 20 minutes. He has nowhere to go. He says, his voice shaky and hands trembling.

Namjoon stands up.

Ok then, I and yoongi will accompany you.

Yeah, he's right. We can split and look for him. Yoongi says.

Taehyung nods, before he leaves he tells his mom to call him immediately if jungkook comes back home.

Yoongi and namjoon take a few men with each of them and they split up and search inside the city.

While taehyung and his men look for the boy in the outskirts of the city

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Taehyung leans against the car.

It's almost 5 am, they hadn't found jungkook yet.

And he's here in the outskirts of Seoul, far away from the city.

Both the sides of the road, front back left right everything is green. It's beautiful but taehyung doesn't find it beautiful.

He had checked on namjoon and Yoongi, and they haven't made any progress either.

He kept calling his mom from time to time, only to end up disappointed.

He looks at the sky, scattered powder-puff clouds, driven by the wind. The chill morning air hits his face and he sighs.

He always relates the sky to serenity, when he feels alone he looks at the sky.

But this time, looking at the sky brings tears to his eyes.

It's how the sky looks without stars, they lose their shine and beauty without stars, and the sky looks like it now, and taehyung doesn't have his little star either.

He wipes his tears, he has to be strong.

The sky looks beautiful with clouds now.

He has to try and reach the star, but if he misses the star, then he at least should grab a handful of clouds.

He looks to his right at the sound of doors closing.

Have you found something? Anything? He asks as Yoongi and namjoon approach him. He knows they haven't, but he still hopes.

Yoongi shakes his head sadly.

Taehyung was feeling sad, broken, but he feels rage all of a sudden.

He clenches his fist and punches the car's window. The glass doesn't break so he punches until it breaks, Yoongi and namjoon try to stop him go in vain.

He grabs his hair and screams jungkook's name. As loud as he can. Somehow hoping jungkook to magically hear his voice and come running to him.

He falls to his knees, Yoongi kneels next to him embracing him from the side.

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