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Blonde Jungkook omg😭😭.

Jungkook fidgets his fingers. Its been almost 25 mins and there's no sign of taehyung. His dad and Mr. Kim discuss about business while his mom and Mrs.Kim speak about this marriage both of which jungkook is not interested in.

Atleast give me food. He thinks. His mind drifts to thoughts about the marriage. Soon he is in his own world not caring about anything that's happening around him, until he hears Mrs. Kim's voice.

Ah there taehyung is. She says smiling widely looking behind jungkook.

Jungkook's hearts beats faster. He gulps and slowly turns his head to look behind him to see a man walking towards them.

When his parents told him taehyung is a CEO, he pictured taehyung to be Big, Muscular and...to look very professional and give off the CEO vibes. But...taehyung is nothing like that. He isn't muscular, he is just slim and he looks young. He wore a suit, his top two shirt buttons open, he held a bouquet in one hand.

 He wore a suit, his top two shirt buttons open, he held a bouquet in one hand

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(Imagine something like this. ^^) 

Taehyung is the most gorgeous man he has ever seen. Jungkook promises.

He is too dazed by taehyung's beauty to even notice his mom and Mrs. Kim are now standing next to him. He is brought out of his trance by his mom's voice.

Hello Taehyung-ah. How are you?

Am fine, thank you Mrs. Jeon. How about you? He asks with a smile that is hardly noticeable. Before she could reply Mrs. Kim interrupts.

What took you so long? You know we were all waiting for you right?

I had som-

Anyways. Meet Jungkook. She says cheerfully, smiling widely at jungkook.

Taehyung gazes at jungkook. They make eye contact but jungkook was fast enough to break it.

Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. He says and hands over the flower bouquet to him.

Jungkook shyly gets the bouquet and mumbles a soft thank you, not daring to look at taehyung. They all go back to their seats, taehyung sits next to jungkook, jungkook can feel taehyung's eyes on him he shyly plays with his fingers. Jungkook feels kind of uncomfortable under taehyung's gaze. He squirms and moves in his seat.

Jungkook tries to look at taehyung, but the waiter interrupts him. They place their orders. Jungkook mentally notes taehyung loves japchae. Don't ask him why he noted that, cause he doesn't know too.


The food arrives, they all start eating. All this time taehyung was stealing so many glances from jungkook. There's something about jungkook that taehyung can't takes his eyes off him. Taehyung feels the need to protect jungkook. But he keeps all these weird feelings aside cause he is not going to let feelings take over him and tries to focus on his food, but he just can't.

Jungkook excuses himself and walks away to the washroom, to calm himself because he can't just sit there and be calm, not when taehyung was constantly looking at him.

He enters the washroom and takes a deep breathe. Why was he looking at me like that? Oofff! Calm down jungkook! He speaks to himself. His phone rings and he looks at the familiar name and answers it immediately.


Oh my! How is the dinner going jungkookie?

Did you see taehyung? How is he? I bet he is so handsome.

Did you speak to him?

Jungkook hears all his three hyungs ask him different questions.

Hyungs! Shut up and let me talk!

Sorry sorry. Speak!

Okay. Hyungs to be honest, taehyung is so handsome!! Jin hyung you never mentioned he was this gorgeous! Oh my! And he gave me a bouquet. But hyungs he doesn't even smile. Not even the slightest bit.

What kind of MF doesn't smile when they look at you? Jimin asks.

And then, he was looking at me constantly, and I don't know why! I just came to washroom to calm myself.

He keeps looking at you? Ah man, he is one weak MF for you kookie I see.

My man seems to be attracted to you already.

Hobi and jimin says, jungkook feels a bit shy.

Did you talk to him? Jin asks


Why? You should! You should get to know him kookie.

I know hyung. But I can't even look at him. Anyone can get lost in his beauty! He is soo gorgeous.

Someone was saying they don't like taehyung yesterday, how sad. Jimin mocks.


Before he can finish taehyung enters the washroom, with a smirk.

Hello? Kookie, are you there? Baby?

Jungkook stands there with wide eyes. Looking at taehyung. The smirk on his face Is now gone, taehyung looks at jungkook with an eyebrow raised.

Baby? He asks jungkook with questioning eyes.

Jungkook's heart beats faster, his voice doesn't come out. Taehyung raises his eyebrows again And jungkook gulps.

Kookie! Jungkookie..? Are you there? Or are you dreaming about taehyu-

H-hyungs I'll talk to you later. Bye. He says and hangs up the phone immediately not letting jimin finish what he was about to say.

The smirk is back on taehyung's face. Dream about me already? Taehyung asks. Jungkook wants to say no, but he can't speak up. His cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

So, who was on the phone?

M-my hyu..ngs.



Pretty. Taehyung says. Jungkook's eyes widen and he looks at taehyung to confirm if he was referring to jungkook and taehyung doesn't seem to be joking.

T-thank you. He says, his cheeks were definitely very red know.

So, you're are my soon- to- be husband? Taehyung says and comes closer to jungkook. They're so close, jungkook can smell taehyung's cologne.

Jungkook felt small under taehyung's gaze, and he just wants to escape from here now. He wants to run away, but his feet doesn't move. He likes this feeling. He just wants to stay here and look at taehyung.

Hi! Hope you guys liked this chapter. There's almost 100 reads. Thank you so much really. (๑´̥̥̥>ω<̥̥̥'๑)

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