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Lol. So guess what?

This chapter was supposed to be published on last Thursday. But instead of publishing it I "ACCIDENTALLY" deleted the chapter. Lol. Fuck my life right?

And then I got demotivated to write it again. And I got busy with comeback.

So am sorry for the long wait. Hope you understand my struggles lol.

Enjoy the chapter.
Ignore mistakes. :)


Taehyung nervously walked to their room, how is he going to face jungkook after yelling at him like that?

He entered the room, his eyes and heart immediately softened at the sight.

Jungkook was sitting on the floor, his head leant on the bed. He was asleep. Taehyung sighed and sat on the bed.

He used his not injured hand to card his fingers through the younger's hair.

His heart ached when he noticed dried tear stains on jungkook's cheeks. He was reason for it. How immature of him to shout at jungkook like that?

Jungkook looks like an angel, everything about jungkook Is soft. It has always been. And taehyung has turned soft for jungkook.

Taehyung was lost in thought that he didn't notice jungkook stirring awake. He stopped his action when he saw jungkook's eyes fluttering open.

Jungkook flinched when he noticed someone's presence, he looked up and his eyes widened at the sight of taehyung sitting near him.

Oh my god, you're alright! Jungkook shouted, his eyes tearing up.

Yeah I am. It's not a big injury. Taehyung says, jungkook doesn't look at him it's clear he's avoiding taehyung's gaze. Taehyung breathes out.

I'm sorry- They both say at the same time. Jungkook still doesn't look at him, he just bites his lips nervously. Taehyung sighs again.

Jungkook, if anyone should be sorry it should be me not you. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. Am sorry.

No I understand.

No you don't jungkook..i know you were worried, I just panicked that you would've got injured instead of me.

He cares. Jungkook thinks.

Who are you kidding? It's his duty, you were married so he could protect you. He doesn't care. He thinks again.

Yeah. I get it. It's your duty to protect me. Jungkook says.

Taehyung feels a pain in his heart. Does jungkook really think he is doing it because it's his duty?

If you think I was panicked because it's my duty, then you're wrong. I really care about you jungkook. He says. Jungkook's eyes water again. This time out of joy.

But am still sorry for worrying you, it's my fault taehyung, if I didn't come out from behind the containers you wouldn't have got hurt, if I didn't ask you to take out on a date any of this wouldn't have happened-

Taehyung shuts off every thought in his mind, he let's his heart and body take over, as he leans down grabs jungkook's jaw and smashes his lips onto jungkook's, cutting off whatever nonsense jungkook was spewing out.

Jungkook's eyes comically widen, his heartbeat erratic, he was unable to move, he just froze on his spot. When jungkook didn't react tae felt a little disappointed and he was about to pull back, but jungkook wrapped his arms around taehyung's neck as he kissed back. Taehyung smiled into kiss.

The position is uncomfortable. Very. But both of them do not care.

Taehyung breaks the kiss, he takes jungkook's hand in his, as he pulls the younger up. He guides jungkook to sit on his lap. Jungkook shyly looks down.

Are you shy? He asks with a smile.

No am not! Shut up. Jungkook says and smack taehyung's chest. Jungkook's eyes fall on taehyung's injured arm and he frowns.

I really hate them. He says and taehyung raises his eyebrows.


Those guys, the mafias who shot you. I hate them so much. They kill innocent people and hurt people. I hate them. Taehyung feels like the words were directed at him, but its not.

Does it hurt? Jungkook looks at him with his bambi eyes. Taehyung shakes his head to tell it doesn't and jungkook smiles at him. Taehyung's heart melts.

I really like him huh. He thinks.

Haha. He just told he hates mafias. Why do you like him? His mind voice says.

He shakes his, shutting it off. Taehyung feels happy and comfortable, he hasn't felt this in a long time. If holding jungkook close, kissing him is what takes for him to feel happy and make jungkook smile he will do exactly that.

He's now sure he likes jungkook. He won't deny it, but he won't say it out to jungkook. Just not yet.

So he leans in and presses his lips on jungkook's soft ones. He says everything he wants to say to jungkook through the kiss.

Jungkook gets comfortable on his lap and kisses him back equally passionate.

Now that they're finally able to get a taste of each other, they are never letting go, not now not ever.

They both can't get enough of each other's lips. But they pull back due to lack of oxygen.

Jungkook smiles and nuzzles his head into taehyung's shoulder joint. Taehyung kisses jungkook's temple.

Tired? He asks and the younger hums in response.

Alright let me go take a shower and change and we'll go to sleep. He says.

Okay. Come back quickly I want cuddles. Jungkook says as he get off taehyung's lap and lays down on the bed.

Taehyung comes soon after and he smiles when he sees jungkook staring at the stealing with a pout.

When the younger notices him, he makes grabby hands asking tae to come to him and taehyung complies.

Jungkook immediately wraps his arms around taehyung's torso and burries his face into taehyung's chest when the older lies down.

Taehyung too, wraps his arms around jungkook's waist pulling the boy closer and making sure his injured arm doesn't hurt.

They both feel happy, contended. They feel comfortable and safe in each other's arms. They feel like finally coming home after a long stressful day at work.

Though the feelings are still unspoken...

They feel loved. They feel like they have each other.

Hi. Lol.

Hope you liked the chapter.

Hehe. Also hope you all enjoyed the comeback. I can't get the song out of my head.

Stay safe. Take care.

Love you all.


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