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Flashback to few weeks after taekook's first dinner with their parents.

Please kookie, it will be the last time we go clubbing together before you're officially married. Jimin says, his tone pleading.

Ok fine. Jungkook agrees, though he is really not in the mood to go clubbing.

30 minutes later jungkook finds himself getting ready, to meet his hyungs. He is kinda excited about this cause, its been so long since he has gone clubbing.

He takes a final look at himself before he heads down, and informs his mom that he won't be home until midnight

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He takes a final look at himself before he heads down, and informs his mom that he won't be home until midnight. His mom refused at first saying its not safe, but jungkook managed to convince her telling her, his hyungs will be there.

His phone vibrates. It's a message from jimin. We are here, come out. Jungkook puts his phone back in and leaves after saying a bye to his mom, who's still worried that it might not be safe for him.


All four of them step out of the car, and the club guards let's them in after jin mentioned Namjoon's name. Right. Its jin who suggested they go to club only because /joon invited them/ and not because its jungkook's last clubbing before his marriage. Atleast not for jin. As soon as they enter the club, jin has left the three alone, to go look for namjoon.

The three of them look at each other, before jimin drags jungkook and hobi to the counter. They settle in the seats and jimin orders a vodka martini for himself a margarita for hobi and a club soda for jungkook, since he can't take alcohol well.

They drink and keep talking about the randomest things and making jokes that no one laugh at except the three of them.

Jimin and hobi have now drank more than 4 drinks and they're already tipsy and it's the same with jungkook. Jin is nowhere to be seen.

Les go danceee~ jimin says and he stands up with wobbly legs to drag the other two into the dance floor.

They don't really dance, they just jump around and do funny moves making each other laugh. It goes on for another 30 mins before jungkook gets tired and goes back to the counter.

He sits and watches his hyungs doing weird ass stuffs and he giggles.

The entire time jungkook can feel eyes on him, but he just shrugged it off.

He still feels it, and looks around the club, but everyone is just busy minding their own business. He sees a bartender climbing the stairs, his eyes follow her and looks up, just to see a whole floor above, it looks like a balcony and people from both above and below can see each other.

Jungkook trails his eyes across the people sitting above. His breathe hitches when a pair of familiar eyes meets his.

/ And that being taehyung's /

The said man just looks at him with the same expression he always has. Taehyung doesn't seem to break the eye contact so jungkook does. He looks away, and focuses back on his hyungs, but he can still feel the eyes on him.

Um, is the seat taken? Jungkook hears a voice and he turns to his side to see a tall and handsome man looking at him with a smile.

No. Jungkook says and returns the smile.

If I may ask what is a pretty boy like you doing here, alone? The stranger asks, and jungkook blushes at the compliment.

Uh... am not alone actually, I came here with my hyungs, they are dancing.

Oh. I am eunwoo. The man says and extends his hand.

Jungkook. He says and shakes eunwoo's hands.

Jungkook is not the person to socialize but he finds himself talking to eunwoo. Eunwoo is very flirty and jungkook is not used that. As he keeps speaking with eunwoo he forgot the person that was staring at him, when realization hits him, his eyes widen and he whips his head to look at taehyung, who is looking back right into jungkook with intense eyes.

Even from far jungkook can tell, taehyung's breathe is raged and the man himself is too. But jungkook couldn't quiet decipher why. Junngkook gulps and turns back to eunwoo.

Oh. Jungkook thinks as if he just realized why taehyung is raged. Is he..is he possibly jealous? Jungkook asks himself, just the thought of taehyung being jealous about him talking to other guys creates a weird feeling in jungkook's heart.


Third person POV

Namjoon, a little problem. Can we talk? Yoongi asks namjoon, who is talking to jin. Namjoon looks at yoongi and he understands its urgent so he says jin to wait and goes with yoongi.

What's it? He asks as soon as they are at the end of corridor.

Do you see, sung-wook's men around? Yoongi asks, eyes roaming around around the place. Namjoon looks around to see around 10 men who are clearly not from their mafia.

Oh my, did you tell taehyung? Why are they here?

Mr. Kim told us to handle this personally without involving tae. They are here for jungkook. Yoongi says as he sighs.

JUNGKOOK? You mean Mr. Jeon's son? Tae's fiancé?


Oh god. We should tell tae.

No. you know he won't hesitate to shoot all of them down and how angry he can get.

Yoongi has a point. Though taehyung wouldn't admit, he has turned soft for jungkook just from their first meet. Yoongi, joon and Mr.Kim has all noticed that.

Right. So what are we gonna do? He asks and yoongi says the plan.

Namjoon explains everything to jin and says him to take jungkook home safely. And jin understands.


Jungkook! Lets go home. Its getting late.

Oh okay hyung! But jimin hyung and hobi hyung are still there dancing, let me get them. Jungkook says while jin eyes eunwoo suspiciously. Jungkook notices and introduces eunwoo which jin doesn't care about.

I will have yoongi drop them home, now let's go come on. Jin practically drags him out of the club, jungkook looks at taehyung who is looking at jungkook with narrowed eyes before exiting the club.

Meanwhile joon and Yoongi manipulate the men into playing a game of bets, just to beat them up until they are unconscious. Joon takes the men to Mr. Kim, while Yoongi drives a drunk jimin and hobi back to their homes.

And taehyung is confused as to why jin hurriedly dragged jungkook out of the club. And why joon and yoongi left him abandoned in the club.

But he let's his thoughts linger to how fucking beautiful jungkook looked tonight and how he looked at taehyung, his cheeks tinted pink when he noticed taehyung staring at him.





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