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Poor taehyung had no idea why jungkook was acting grumpy all of a sudden. Whenever taehyung tries to talk to him he will glare at him intensely and turns his head away.

Hey, you both can we go greet Mr. Cha and his family? Mrs. Kim approached them, with Mr. Kim by her side. She looked at grumpy jungkook, internally cooing at the cute boy, who's expression softened as he smiled at her.

Yeah.But where's soojin? Taehyung asked, further adding to jungkook's annoyance. Mrs. Kim looked at jungkook, who was looking at taehyung with narrowed eyes and a pout

She's busy greeting other people. Now stop asking about her, lets go. Mrs. Kim snapped, as she dragged jungkook away, with the other two following them. Mrs. Kim walked towards a man as old as Mr. Kim, standing with a woman who jungkook assumed to be his wife. The man smiled widely at them.

Ah. Eunji and Dae-hyun. Glad you all came. The man smiles and the two older couple exchange greetings.

Taehyung-ah how are you doing? How is being CEO going on? The man asks.

Am doing great Mr.Cha. Work is also going great. He replies monotonously.

Ah! And this our son-in-law. Jeon Jungkook! Mrs. Kim cheers.

Oh my. He is so pretty. Hello sweetie, am Cha soo-hyun. The female smiles widely and steps forward to pinch jungkook's cheeks. The younger shy smiles and greets her.

And we are very glad, Jung-il finally decided take up the CEO post. Where's he? Mr. Kim speaks.

Right, I didn't see both of your sons around. Mrs. Kim says.

Ah. They must somewhere here. Mr.cha says as he looks around.

Searching for me? A voice interrupts as they all turn their attention to tall, handsome male, who flashes them a smile which the couple return. The boy greets The Kims, smiling brightly before turning his attention to jungkook and taehyung.

Hey. Taehyung. Good to see you here. How are you? The boy smiles and hugs taehyung, which the later annoyingly returns.

Oh my, who's this cutie. Jung-il asks once his eyes fall on jungkook. He pulls away from the hug and steps towards the younger. Jungkook blushes at the compliment.

JUNGKOOK? Another voice calls out, gaining all their attention?

Eunwoo? Jungkook calls back, his eyes wide.

You two know each other? Jung-il asks.

Yeah. Jungkook is the first friend I found in college. Eunwoo says as the other nod in understanding.

Okay but what are you doing here?

I could ask you the same thing? Jungkook retorts.

Right.I am jung-il's sweet lil younger brother. Eunwoo says, while jung-il rolls his eyes

So am obviously here for the party hosted by him and my parents. What about you?

Uh...am here with my husband. He shyly says gesturing towards taehyung, and taehyung's heart does a flip at jungkook mentioning him as his husband.

Oh. Right you mentioned, but didn't expect it to be taehyung.

Wait,you're taehyung's husband?? Jung-il interrupts eunwoo.

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