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Taehyung's world is completely still. Before he shakes out of the shock and runs after jungkook.

JUNGKOOK!! He shouts.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Jungkook runs tears flowing out of his eyes.

M-Mom h-he He stammers after reaching the living room where everyone is still there.

Everyone gathers around jungkook with worried gazes.

Jungkook? Why are you crying? Who is he? His mom inquires as she wipes jungkook's tears.

Taehyung comes to a halt behind jungkook. He looks so broken and everyone gets more worried.

Taehyung makes eye contact with his own mom as he shakes his head.

And they know. They all understand. They're all stuck to their places, the thunderous news dawning upon them.

Jungkook's mom steps back as her lips wobble.

Jungkook goes to his dad.

Appa! He- ta-tae he before he finishes he moves to taehyung's mom as he repeats the same words going to everyone but not completing the sentence.

Jungkook- Taehyung calls softly.

NO! DON'T SAY MY NAME! Jungkook shouts with absolute loathe, his tears flowing out.

Taehyung's heart shatters ten times more.

Mom! Dad! Hyung! He- he is a mafia- before he can finish it, his lips stutter as he breaksdown burrying his face into his palms.

After a few seconds he looks up to see his mom, taehyung's mom and his hyungs crying the rest hanging their heads down. Jungkook frowns.

And then he realizes. He's furious as he clenches his fist.

YOU ALL KNEW?? ALL OF YOU KNEW??? EVEN YOU MOM? HYUNGS?? He shouts, his rage as black as thunder.

He opens his mouth to say something but cuts himself with his cries.

Jungkook. We are sorry-  His mom starts.

SORRY? YOU'RE SORRY? He laughs Hunorlessly.

You're sorry is not gonna change the fact that all of you collectively betrayed me. Made a fool out of me. He says through gritted teeth.

I'm sorry because there's another thing. His mom continues.

What? So this isn't even the actual shit you've been hiding from me? There's more. Yeah. Of course. Go on please. He says.

Your dad she starts and takes a deep breathe. He's also a part of the mafia gang. She hears a gasp but she goes on. Your dad, taehyung's dad, namjoon, yoongi they're all in the gang. And taehyung is the- the leader of Seoul's underground world. The mafia King. She finishes her head hung low, as she wipes her tears.

Jungkook stands there. His eyes blood red. He stands still because this is all too much to take in at the same time.

He feels furious, angry, disappointed, heart broken and most of all he feels betrayed.

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