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Taehyung and his parents entered the hospital to see all others already gathered.

Is he awake? Taehyung inquires with hopeful eyes as soon as he is in the audible range.

Jimin sighs and shakes his head. Taehyung deflates, his shoulders drooping. Before he can say anything the doctor approaches them.

Good morning. She greets with a small smile.

Is it really a good morning? Taehyung murmurs, his head hanging low. The doctor takes a breath before speaking.

I know how you must be feeling Mr. Kim. But it's a good morning indeed. She says, taehyung and the others looking at her with wide eyes.

He's still unconscious. But his anesthesia has been wearing off. We have noticed very small movements of his fingers and toes. I'll give it a 45 minutes max before he wakes up. She smiles. Taehyung smiles back feeling relieved.

But If someone wants to see him now, you can. Only one person though. She says. They thank her and she walks back.

Taehyung contemplates a little.

I'll go. He says.

Are you sure you don't want to see him after he wakes up? Jimin inquires. Taehyung shakes his head.

I don't think I'm the first person he'll want to see after he wakes up. Hell, I Don't even think he'll want to see me at all after all that. Taehyung answers his heart aching.

Tae you don't kn-

No, he wouldn't want me there trust me. And I don't think I have enough courage to face him. So I'll go now. He finalizes and walks towards the room.

*+。.。 。.。:+*

He hesitates before he pushes the door open. The sight he sees when he enters is not one for his heart. He might be strong, cold, and rock-hearted like most people say him to be. But none of that when it comes to this boy who's lying on the hospital bed with tubes all over his hands, a big bandage that has splotches of crimson on it around his abdomen. His face was so pale, lips chapped.

A tear slips past taehyung's eyes without his consciousness. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down before he walks closer to the bed, but his tears only come rushing back as he moves closer.

This is the boy whose eyes held the whole galaxy that taehyung often got lost in. The boy who had a bunny smile, his heart as soft as silk and as big as the world, made out of gold.

The boy that swept taehyung off his feet, who broke all the walls he had built around his heart and made taehyung fall crazily in love with him.

Taehyung wipes his tears as he sits on the stool next to the bed, before reaching out for jungkook's hand. He holds the boy's hand with both of his hands sandwiching the boy's hand in between his. As he brings their hands to his mouth, pressing a kiss on top of jungkook's hand.

Hey... He starts. But there's a lump in his throat. He takes a deep breathe again.

I know you are not listening, that's why I'm speaking to you. Yeah, I'm a coward that can't face you when you're awake. I'm here to lay my entire heart open for you. I just..want to get it off my chest. He sighs, pressing another tender kiss on top of the boy's hand.

First, before anything else, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. F9r putting you through all of these, you didn't deserve to go through any of these. As much as everyone says it's not my fault, I know it is because half of what happened could have been avoided if not for me. Only if I told you everything sooner. I'm so sorry for not telling you about it sooner. But I hope you understand where I'm coming from. His lips wobble.

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