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The doctors have already performed the surgery on jungkook 24 hours ago, He's still unconscious. Currently, they're performing gastric lavage.

Taehyung hasn't eaten, nor did a single drop of water go into his system, in the past 37 hours, god knows how's he's still conscious and pacing around.

Taehyung-ah. His mom tries. Taehyung immediately cuts her off with a shake of his head.

If you're going to ask me to eat, please don't.

But how-

No mom, he's in there laying unconscious for more than 35 hours, he didn't eat nor drink anything, how can I? He says and his mom just sighs and hopes for everything to be alright.

The doctor comes out a few minutes later and taehyung immediately rushes to her.

How's he now? Is it over? Is he safe now? Will he be alright? He's out of danger right? Is he awake?? He rushes. Namjoon pats his shoulder and murmurs a calm down.

Calm down, Mr. Kim. We have finished everything that had to be done. He's in better condition now and I can assure you he's also safe. The doctor says and smiles.

Taehyung beams eyes welling up with tears. He joins his hands together and thanks to the doctor, chanting the word repeatedly.

Don't need to thank us, it's our duty, whether you ask or not it's our responsibility to save him.

And he's not conscious yet. We have kept him in anesthetics so he wouldn't have to feel much pain. Since they're kicking in he's still unconscious and he should wake up in the next 6 hours. She says, and taehyung nods.

And..since he was shot in the abdomen, he won't be able to walk for a few days since the circulation in his limbs was low. The doctor finishes.

Yes, anything is okay as long as he's doing well. Taehyung says. Is it possible to go see him? He asks.

I'm sorry, I can't let anyone in now, but a few hours later. The doctor says, gives them a small smile, and walks away.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

It's been more than 6 hours and jungkook hasn't woken up yet and taehyung is losing his mind. He might raise hell.


Mom NO! It's been 7 and half hours he hasn't woken up yet. HOW IS THAT?

Taehyung, you have no hopes on jungkook. He's stronger than you think he is. He is not someone who'll give up so easily. You need to calm down. Jimin pats his shoulder and sighs.

And you know what, it's been two days since you ate, drank water, or took a shower. You may not want to but you stink. Jin says.

And oh I'm not letting you go meet jungkook while looking like shit. Do you want him to see you like this? Taehyung thinks and he doesn't. No. He shakes his head.

Yeah, so what you'll do is go home take a shower, wear something nice, eat, and then come back. Hurry up!! Come back before he wakes up.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

As soon as taehyung enters his, no /their/ room, memories shared with jungkook come flashing down his brain.

Them cuddling on the bed, watching movies together, their first kiss, jungkook getting him ready to work, lots of happy memories shared between them.

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