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A table for 3 please. Yoongi said, to the receptionist of the restaurant. She nodded and called for a staff who led them to their table.

And jungkook halts his steps, because, there is taehyung, sitting in front of soojin, whos blabbering something, to which taehyung doesn't seem to be paying attention to.

Come on kook-ah. Don't mind him, let's enjoy the meal. Yoongi says, before sliding into his seat.

Taehyung seems to hear this, as he looks up from the cutlery he was previously staring at. He drops the chopstick he was holding, lips parting in surprise.

Jungkook just gives a weary look, before he slides into the seat, next to namjoon.

What are you guys doing here? A hasty taehyung asks, now standing in front of their table.

Well...what else would people do in a restaurant? Duh. We are here to eat. Namjoon says.

Because someone decided to leave this lil one here all alone, so they can have lunch with their best friend. Yoongi says, sarcasm dripping in his tone.

Taehyung just stands there, surprised and guilt swimming in his eyes.

Can I take your orders sir? A waitress appears beside taehyung.

The older completely disregard taehyung's presence and start ordering. While jungkook just sits there awkwardly fiddling with his fingers.

Taehyung gives the boy one look filled with guilt, regret and little bit of anger and leaves.

Soon their food arrives and they start digging in, jungkook just plays with his food, not able eat, not when taehyung is looking at him intensely, just two tables away.

Yoongi noticing this, sighs and leans in. He takes more food and dumps it in jungkooks's plate.

Cmon eat kid. I said don't mind him. Remember he's the one that rejected your offer. So forget it and just enjoy. Yoongi advices.

He's right, jungkook thinks. Before be starts puffing his cheeks with food. And the three of them flow into random convos.

Jungkook is somehow, a laughing mess towards the end of the lunch.


Taehyung and soojin are still there, when they leave. Only this time taehyung seems to be focusing on what soojin is saying.

Jungkook's eyes catch taehyung's when they are leaving.

So...would you like to go somewhere else? Yoongi asks, once they're outside, mischief in his eyes.


Hm...so I and joon decided to give you company for the day. So how about we go to the amusement park?

Oh my god. Really? Jungkook gasps. Eyes and smile wide.

Hm. Really.

Hyung you don't have to, you have work no? It's ok.

No no, it's fine. Besides you're a great company. We are having fun, we could use this as a break from work too. Namjoon adds.

And that's how jungkook finds himself in a amusement park, 2 hours later, laughing at a terrified yoongi who sits beside him in the roller coaster ride.

Jungkook doesn't stop laughing even after they are out of the ride. Yoongi just rolls his eyes.

Namjoon wins him a unicorn plushie in a game, buys him cottoncandys.

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