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BADUM TSSSSSSS.....🎶 🥁🎹🎷🎸🎻🎺


To say jungkook is nervous was an understatement. He was trepidatious. He is not able to comprehend the fact he is getting married in a few minutes.

He sees his hyungs enter the room, all dressed up and with huge smiles on their handsome faces, through the mirror and he forces a smile.

This or this jungkook? His makeup artist asks him, showing him two different eye shades. He goes for the golden one, and looks in the mirror when he feels hands on his shoulder.

I know you're nervous, don't worry its going to be fine. Jimin says as he reaches out to caress jungkook's hands, to calm him.

His hyungs talk, and make random jokes to make jungkook less nervous, and it did ease him.

He sees his father enter the room and he smiles at him.

You look so handsome jungkook. He says as he pats jungkook's shoulder.

Its time, are you ready to go? He asks and jungkook takes a deep breathe, as he nods and hooks his hands around his father's as they exit the room.


Jungkook now walks down the aisle, along with his dad. The entire time, he didn't dare look up, he kept is head down, too nervous to look around.

Jungkook's heart started racing faster that it already was, when his father handed him over to taehyung as he took jungkook's hand gently.

He heard his father say Hope you will take good care of him taehyung-ah. Before he went to stand next to his mom.

Jungkook was standing right front taehyung, he mustered up all the courage he had and looked up, just to see taehyung staring right back at him.

Jungkook let out a small gasp, taehyung was looking like a sculpted god, the sleeves of his coat sliding smoothly around his slender hands, and the material of dress shirt hugging his waist perfectly. His hair gelled and parted neatly, exposing his forehead making him look even handsome.

You could say the same with taehyung, his breathe hitched when he saw jungkook walking down the aisle, looking like a prince. Jungkook looked ethereal. He wonders how got this lucky, to be marrying jungkook.

 He wonders how got this lucky, to be marrying jungkook

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