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Ignore mistakes. :)


Jungkook applies some strawberry chapstick on his lips, he grabs his mobile to check the time and glances towards the bathroom, from where he hears the sound of water running.

Both of them woke a bit early, ate breakfast with The Kims and spent some time in the garden.

Now they are getting ready for their date as taehyung would like to call that. Jungkook takes his mobile out, clicks some selfies and sends it to his hyungs. He also posts one in His Instagram. He has quiet a number of followers there.

He looks at bathroom door when he hears it open. Taehyung comes out dressed in a white T-shirt a cardigan over it, paired with black pants. He looks extremely handsome.

Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer. Taehyung says as he walks towards the dressing table, and that's when he realizes he was staring. He immediately looks away blushing.

Taehyung takes some gel, applies it on his hair and cards his fingers through it. He takes a pair of glasses, putting them on. He usually doesn't dress casually, but he has been, since he met jungkook.

He glances at his watch. They will be late for their reservation if they don't go now.

Shall we go? Taehyung asks as he grabs his car keys and wallet. He hears a hum in response.

He turns around, and takes in jungkook's outfit. He is wearing a simple black sweatshirt paired with torn jeans. Yet he looks so beautiful. Taehyung wonders how jungkook looks pretty in anything he wears.

You look pretty. He says as he walks towards the door.

You Look handsome too.


Taehyung halts the car in front of a fancy restaurant. Jungkook steps out of car, before taehyung can come and open the door for him. He walks towards taehyung's side and the elder takes jungkook's hand in his own. Jungkook slightly blushes at the small gesture.

Taehyung walks towards the reception and sayshis name. One of the staffs leads them to a private table.

Taehyung pulls out a chair for the younger, gesturing him to sit. After jungkook sits, he sits across jungkook.

A waiter comes and places menu cards and leaves. Jungkook takes the menu and goes through it. He can feel eyes on him, as he looks up and sees taehyung staring at him.

A shy smile slips out of his lips.

Taehyung smiles back. It's the first time jungkook is seeing him smile genuinely. It makes his heart warm.

Soon after the waiter arrives and they place their orders. Taehyung still looks at jungkook. The younger looks anywhere but taehyung, not wanting to make eye contact with the older.

Taehyung also know jungkook is trying avoid contact with him and he finds it cute to be honest.

When their food arrives they start eating in silence, a comfortable one. Jungkook glancing at taehyung from time to time, because taehyung's eyes are on him even while he eats. A smile creeps out of the younger's lips whenever he catches a glimplse of taehyung.

Jungkook doesn't understand why taehyung is like this all of a sudden, but he doesn't question it.

Even when they finish their food and jungkook wipes his mouth gently with a tissue, taehyung watches him, endeared.

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