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The week went by pretty good. Jungkook would go to college in the morning and come back evening. It's the same with taehyung, he would go to office in the morning and come back only at night, most of the time jungkook would be asleep even before taehyung is back home.

When taehyung comes early, jungkook would be busy with assignments. Taehyung barely speaks, it would always be jungkook, who initiates a conversation. He'll just random things like, how taehyung's day went and all, taehyung will respond with hum or yes and nos'. So the conversation will die as soon as it started.

At this point jungkook almost gave up. But he remembers himself the promise he made, he will make this marriage work. And he is determined.

It's Friday night, and jungkook is just laying on his bed. Taehyung isn't home yet. Tomorrow is Saturday which means jungkook is free all day. Maybe he can ask taehyung, if he can meet his hyungs and hang out with them.

He hears the door click, and he sees taehyung enter the room. He immediately sits up and looks at him. He hadn't seen him this morning, he left even before jungkook woke up. Taehyung looks handsome, yeah..when does he not.

Hi. Jungkook smiles and greets him. You're home early today. He continues, taehyung looks at him with a questioning brow, before he removes his watch and coat and keeping it their given places.

Taehyung just hums, before he enters the bathroom.

See..? This is how taehyung is and it annoys jungkook so much. He just wants to snap at him sometime.

He sighs softly, before laying back on the bed. Taehyung comes back in a few minutes, dressed in pjs. Jungkook just ignores him and continues to stare at the ceiling.

Taehyung takes his ipad and settles on the couch. They continue whaat they were doing in silence. The silence is too much for jungkook. So after a good ten minutes jungkook breaks it.

What are you doing? He asks as he tilts his face towards the couch. Taehyung mumbles a quiet working without even glancing at jungkook.

Don't you like...work all day at the company?

"only if you knew what kind of work I do in the morning" taehyung thinks. He mostly does, work related to mafia in the morning, because being the CEO of the biggest company has its advantages. He can do those work, without having anyone to suspect.

I still have work to do so. He says instead. And jungkook just sulks.

Hey, tomorrow can- before jungkook can finish taehyung interrupts him.

Yeah about tomorrow, we have to go to a party. I forgot to inform, so be ready. Taehyung says, finally looking at jungkook.

What? What party? And why should I come? Jungkook asks, his social anxiety building up.

One of our important business partner's son is taking up the CEO position, so a party for that. And why YOU seriously? Aren't my husband? So shouldn't you be the one coming with me? And jungkook just gawks his mouth, words not coming out, because the word taehyung used. Husband. Jungkook's cheeks taint a light pink.

Okay. He mumbles before turning his attention back to the ceiling.

Aren't you sleepy? Taehyung asks gaining the younger's attention.

No. Let's talk. he replies.

Talk? what do you want to talk about? Is there something important?

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