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Ignore mistakes :)

This chapter is special to me :((

It's been two weeks since jungkook came back from the hospital.

He still remembers how suffocated he felt when he entered their room, all the memories he shared with taehyung crashing down on him like a wave. He almost had a breakdown, thanks to his hyungs who were there to calm him down.

Taehyung announced he will be sleeping in one of the guest rooms because he thought that's what jungkook wants.

They haven't spoken much ever since jungkook came back. Just taehyung checking up on jungkook from time to time, other than that no sort of conversation took place.

Jungkook's heart ached every time he sees taehyung lingering near him when he would stare at him from afar when he would look like he wants to say something but will decide against it and walk away. Every time taehyung would wear that sad, longing expression while looking at jungkook, thinking the other wouldn't notice him.

But unbeknownst to him, he was the only thing on jungkook's mind all the time.

To add to the list of problems, jungkook started having nightmares, he is traumatized by the incidents that took place and he wakes up in cold sweat often in the middle of the night.

In those nightmares, there won't be a taehyung to save him. Sometimes worse, taehyung would get tired of him and throw him away.

He knows those are just nightmares but still, dread fills his chest every time he thinks about it. He told about it to his hyungs and they now sleep with him on alternate days.

At least one good thing is that his health has been recovering steadily and he's able to walk now. Not walking like how he used to before, he still can't walk fast or run but this is better than not walking at all.

And one day, sitting in the garden with a few maids around him, listening to one of them talk about her son who is settled in Busan and her narrating beautiful stories about Busan, something strikes in jungkook.

This is it. He thinks.

He knows what he wants to do now.

Jungkook is very sure he wants to do this, for him and taehyung.

But he's not sure how to bring it up to the others or taehyung.

The first person he told about it was eunwoo since jungkook needed his help with a lot of things. Eunwoo was wary at first asking jungkook to think it thorough.

But regardless of what the others are gonna say about his decision, he is still going with it.

*+。.。 。.。:+*

He and taehyung are at the hospital for his check-up.

He's healing real quick. The doctor says as she closes the file and keeps it aside.

I'm surprised to see his wounds and stitches healing quickly and his health has gotten better in a short time. Super Antibodies huh? The doctor says smiling. Jungkook giggles and taehyung looks at him fondly. Oh how long it has been since he heard it.

And since his wounds are healing he should be walk properly again soon, but I will advise you to not stress your legs too much or take part in activities that could affect the healing process. Jungkook nods and thanks her, taehyung follows and they bid their byes.

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