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Taehyung wipes his eyes, hooks an arm beneath jungkook's thighs and the other behind his back, and picks him up bridal style and carries him out of the building, through all dead men laying on the floor.

There's already an ambulance waiting, one that they always bring when they go on missions, it's a small van.

Taehyung lays jungkook's body down on the stretcher, He shouts at nurses to check on jungkook. The nurses push jungkook inside the van and immediately start checking on him, jungkook's breath comes out in short pants and they put an oxygen mask on him. Taehyung sits in the van beside jungkook and takes the boy's hand in his.

Start driving to the hospital!! He shouts.

As the vehicle starts moving, taehyung's face crumples when he looks at the younger boy. As he squeezes jungkook's hands in his leaning his forehead on their interlinked hands.

Jungkook... He whispers his voice cracking at the end. A bead of tear slipped past the rim of his eyes.

I'm so sorry, sorry jungkook. This is all cus of me, I'm sorry. Taehyung cries. Repeating the words sorry and be alright again and again like a mantra.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Everything is blurry for jungkook. He can't see anything. But he can still hear. He hears taehyung's pleas of sorries and be alrights'. His heart aches to tell him he will be alright and just hold his husband's hand and comfort him. But every time he thinks about it, images of taehyung holding a gun in the basement and events that followed after flashes before his eyes.

A tear slips out of his eyes without his knowledge. He lets out a strangled noise when the pain kicks at his abdomen. His lungs feel like they're on fire, It burns and he can't breathe. He gasps for air. And everything slowly goes blank.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Taehyung shouts at the driver to move fast when jungkook heaves for oxygen. He rushes the helpers to do something. Whilst he holds jungkook's hands so tight as though if he leaves it jungkook will be snatched away.

When they are at the hospital and jungkook is about to be taken to the emergency room, taehyung still doesn't let go of jungkook's hands. The nurses force his hands away before closing the wards' doors.

Taehyung falls to the ground on his knees, as he cries into his palms. Let's out everything he was holding in.

Very soon taehyungs parents, jungkooks parents, and namjoon, yoongi, jimin, jin, and hobi arrive.

Taehyung's mom kneels next to her soon as she embraces him tenderly, bringing his face into her chest, cradling him like a baby.

'Twas all my fault, he doesn't deserve this. I'm the one that should be suffering. Whys is he going through all this. Taehyung continues to ramble whilst crying in his mom's embrace. She can do nothing but tell him it'll be fine.

If I didn't marry him off like that maybe he would have been safe. Jungkook's mom speaks, also crying.

You were trying to protect him, stop being hard on yourself. Mr.Kim says.

And sangwoo tried to hurt jungkook even before taehyung and jungkook crossed paths remember. Yoongi interrupts.

No, but it was still our fault from the beginning, we shouldn't have kept him in the dark about everything. Mr. Jeon says.

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