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Oh my god! So sorry for the late update. I was a lil busy and was having writer's block😭. Sorry.

They both stand there staring at each other. There's an unknown warmth in both of their hearts. Both of them want to speak something but they choose to say silent. None of them seem to mind the close proximity between them.

Let's go. Taehyung says abruptly and walks out with one last look at jungkook. Jungkook doesn't understand what is happening.

What the fuck just happened? We were standing so close to each other, and he says lets go? What the? Jungkook thinks and blinks his eyes in confusion. He takes a deep breathe before he walks out of the washroom. He goes back to his seat but he doesn't even glance at taehyung.

Kookie, do you want to speak to taehyung alone. His mom asks.

No mom. There's nothing I want to talk about. He anwers because he doesn't want to face taehyung again.

Ok then. Shall we leave?

Yes mom.

His parents and The Kims exchange hugs and goodbyes while jungkook and taehyung stand there looking at them. Jungkook's parents hug taehyung and tell him bye and both their parents walk towards the entrance. When jungkook was about to leave he hears taehyung's voice.

So.. see you later I guess.

Jungkook furrows his eyebrows. What a bipolar bitch. He thinks.

Yeah. Bye. He says and walks away.

Taehyung knew what jungkook was thinking. But this is how it's going to be whether jungkook likes it or not. Taehyung didn't want to look soft for jungkook, but he couldn't stop himself from saying bye to jungkook. He is not going to let his feelings take over him, because jungkook can be his weakness if he does so.


Jungkook lays on his bed. Theres's something about taehyung that jungkook can't take him out of his mind. Why is taehyung like that? He wants question taehyung, but will taehyung answer? No.

With so much going on in his mind, he slowly drifts off to sleep.

You can say the same with taehyung. It's the first time he met jungkook, but why can't he stop thinking about jungkook? Is he turning soft for the boy already? No. he can't let that happen. He thinks.

His thoughts were interrupted by a phone call.

Yes hyung?

Be At XXXX in 10 mins. Namjoon says and ends the call.


Next day jungkook wakes up only to see his three hyungs sitting around him and watching him.

Hyungs that's so creepy! He looks at them and they're still looking at him.

Anyways why are you here so early?


Whatever. Stay here I'll go shower and be back.

Jungkook comes back and goes downstairs to bring pancakes since he hadn't had breakfast.

So, speak at least now.

Ok. So why did you hang up like that yesterday. Jin asks.

Jungkook sighs, recalling yesterdays events. His heart beats faster and light tint of rose creeps on his cheeks when he thinks about how close both of them were standing. He sulks at what happened after that, and starts explain everything.

Seems like you wanted something more to happen. Jimin teases.

Shut up hyung, why would I, am glad he just left. He says. Maybe jungkook would've wanted- what are you thinking jungkook NO.

His hyungs took a day off just for jungkook. So they go to the nearby café to spend their time. They talk and joke aroud and tease each other.

CEO of Lee groups Lee- dong soo was found dead today morning at an abandoned building. The cops are investigating, to find the murderer. The news reader reads, as all four of them turn their attention to the news.

Oh my god! Why would someone kill a CEO? It should be definitely for money. Jungkook says. He had always hated such murderers even though he doesn't know them. According to him They kill for money. He hates them. He really does. Because it scares him, it can happen to his dad too.

Wait..taehyung is a CEO too.. He thinks. He is more scared now. This can happen to his father and taehyung too.

Sigh. Only if he knows..☹️


The day goes by, and jungkook can't stop thinking about the news. Not when he knows his dad and taehyung are in possible danger. They can be in the place of that CEO too. Just the thought terrifies jungkook.

Kookie? Are you there? He hears his moms voice from the other side of the door.

Yes mom. Come in. His mom walks in with a smile which makes jungkook smile too.

You seem happy mom.

I am. She says cheerily.

Hm. I wonder why?

Mrs . Kim called me earlier. She told we have to go wedding shopping tomorrow.

Jungkook's smile drops.

Wedding shopping? Why so soon? Wait..... when is the wedding?

5th of April.

Jungkook looks at the date. 21st of March.  His eyes widen.


His mom sighs and walks to him and embraces him.

Calm down sweetie. We are not urging, we are doing the right thing.

Right thing? Mom I could enjoy my life little more if you keep the wedding later.

We told you why we are getting you married, so understand. And besides you can enjoy your life after marriage too, no one is going to stop you.

But mom-

No buts, please understand baby.
So, tomorrow we are going wedding shopping, taehyung will come to pick you up, I will leave with Mrs. Kim.

What? Why are you leaving us alone?

Because we have to look for wedding hall designers, cake designers, we have to invite people, and order food, and we have so much more work.. so you and taehyung can go and buy rings and suits.


And there goes his heart again. A day withtaehyung, alone. 

Hi! Hope you're all good. I will try to update the next chapters as soon as I can. :)

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