
14K 621 54

Sorry I didn't proof read, so ignore mistakes.


Welcome home jungkook. Mrs. Kim smiles sweetly at him, before pulling him and sitting down on couch.

Jungkook looks around, their house is a lot bigger than his own. He sees few people standing with their heads down, whom Mrs. Kim introduces as the maids. Well, in jungkook's home they had only two maids, here they had around 20 maids.

So, this is where you'll be staying. How do you like it jungkook. Mr. Kim asks, as he takes a seat next to taehyung in the couch opposite to where he is sitting.

It's lovely Mr. Kim, but i think, it'll take time to get used. He says.

Of course, take all time you want, but make yourself comfortable, and please call us dad and mom. Mr. Kim smiles at him and he nods.

Alright, Aera take him to Taehyung's room. And jungkook you can go with her, she will show you your room and I already asked them to put all your clothes there. Mrs. Kim says.

Jungkook's eyes widen comically when she says taehyung's bedroom. And taehyung internally chuckles at his reaction.

Jungkook shyly nods, before he follows aera.

As Jungkook enters the room, he is left in awe, this bedroom is nothing like jungkook's, his had a dark theme, while taehyung's was mostly light grey and white. To jungkook's liking it had a big balcony, with an view of The Kim's huge backyard. All jungkook could see was layers and layers of green plants, well he can't make it out since it's dark. The point is jungkook loved the Bedroom.

Hope you like the room sir, I have put all your clothes in the closet already. Aera speaks and jungkook turns his attention to her.

Yes, Thank you and please call me jungkook. He says and smiles, and aera nods returning the smile.

Okay then, I will head back, if you need anything feel free to call me. She says and motions her hand to a telephone. And jungkook nods as he watches her leave.

He walks towards the balcony and slides the door open. He exhales as cool air hits his face, he walks towards the railing and leans his elbows, admiring the night view

He stands there for a few minutes before deciding to shower and change to his pjs. He comes back, and notes taehyung isn't here yet, and realises he should actually share the bed with him. He walks over, and plops himself on the bed, pulling the blankets atop him.

Before he knew, he was in Dreamland.


It's almost midnight when taehyung goes to his room, after having a long conversation about a new mission with his dad.

He enters the room, to be greeted by the sight of a sleeping jungkook and almost coos at sight. Jungkook looks so vulnerable and cute, his lips slightly parted, and his eyelashes tickling his cheeks. Without knowing his lips curl into a smile.

He rushes towards the bathroom to take a shower. He comes back, changed into his pjs. He plops himself down into the bed.

He moves closer to jungkook and snakes his arms around the younger's waist to hold him close. (Only because he needs something to hug while else, yup yup, nothing else, he thinks. ) Jungkook turns around and snuggles closer to taehyung, unconsciously.

Like that, taehyung falls asleep with a smile on his face.


Jungkook wakes up next morning, feeling strong arms gripping. He panicks, and squirms out of the hold, but the other's grip only gets stronger. He looks at the person holding him, and his heart does a flip.

He just lays in taehyung's grip, admiring the latter's handsome and soft features. He looks so vulnerable when he sleeps, unlike his actual cold self.

He unknowingly brings his hands and caresses taehyung's cheeks, and a smile finding it's way on his lips. He quickly realizes how closes their faces are and immediately moves away.

He slowly and carefully takes taehyung's hands away from his waist and slips out of the bed. Taehyung immediately groans, not liking the warmth being taken away and grabs a pillow and hugs it.

Jungkook chuckles at his reaction, before he heads to the bathroom. He comes back, dressed in casual clothes.

Not knowing what to do in the room, he heads down stairs, and to the kitchen, and sees aera and one other maid working on breakfast.

Good morning. He greets, gaining their attention.

Good morning jungkookie. Aera greets back with a smile.

Thought I could help you with breakfast. He says, returning the smile.

Oh, we are almost done. So there's really no work for you. She informs. Jungkook nods and sits on a chair in front of the counter. They start chatting about random things, and Jungkook is glad he can speak to someone, other than taehyung and his parents here.

He takes the food and walks to the dining room, to see Taehyung and his parents there already.

Good morning. He greets them, with a smile, gaining all their attention.

Good morning Jungkook. Mr. Kim says with smile, as he sets the newspaper he was reading aside.

Good morning Jungkookie. Why are you doing all these? Where's aera? Mrs. Kim asks, searching for maids.

They're the ones that cooked, I just volunteered to bring them here. He says. And serves Mr. Kim.

You don't have to do all these, go take a seat. Aera!! Come here, and serves us. Mrs. Kim rushes him to sit, and calls for aera, and she comes, as Jungkook takes a seat next to taehyung. As they start eating.

The entire while, Jungkook failed to notice, taehyung looking at him with adoration in his eyes as Jungkook spoke to his parents.

Um..abeonim.. Jungkook trails off, gaining everyone's attention again.

Whatever it is feel free to tell us. Mr. Kim says, noticing Jungkook's awkwardness.

Um..can i still continue to go to college? He asks as Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim shares a look.

Am afraid, we can't take a decision about that, it's up to your husband. Mrs. Kim, and flashes him a smile.

"Husband" That word stirs something inside jungkook. As he looks at taehyung with his doe eyes. Taehyung looks like he's thinking.

You can but on one condition. They're will be a guard with you. Always. He'll come with you, wherever you go. He says and looks at jungkook, with an eyebrow raised.

Yes, ok. Am fine with it. Jungkook eagerly nods. And Mr and Mrs Kim Chuckles at his reaction.

Boring chapter, but it'll get better. Just thought I would give some domestic taekook before jumping into the plot.


I will try to upload as soon as possible from now on.
Thank you for keeping up with me.


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