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Taehyung stills for a moment at jungkook's words.

You don't mean what I think you mean right? He blinks.

Jungkook smiles, he brings his hands that's around taehyung's neck down his chest, further wandering down slowly before halting above taehyung's lower abdomen.

I definitely mean what you think I mean. Jungkook smiles sweetly and kisses taehyung's jaw. Taehyung curses under his breathe, his hand tightening around jungkook's waist.

You're gonna be the death of me. He mutters, his jaw tight. He brings his hands from the younger's waist to his ass, squeezing it.

Jungkook giggles. He fucking giggles and oh if it isn't the sweetest music taehyung has heard in the 26 years of his life.

Taehyung breathes out before he brings their foreheads together. He kisses jungkook slowly. But then the fire in their hearts ignite, the kiss becoming sloppier and needier.

Jungkook's hands card in taehyung's hair, tugging and pulling on it. Taehyung stops kissing him, before jungkook can whine the older has moved to his jaw, kissing and slowly moving down to jungkook's neck, leaving love bites.
Jungkook moans at one hard bite and taehyung stills.

Fuck. Sensitive here baby? Jungkook doesn't reply he buries his face into his husband's neck.

Bed. Jungkook mumbles.


Take me to bed taehyung. He orders. And who is taehyung to not comply.

Taehyung lays jungkook on the bed gently and climbs over him.

Beautiful. He whispers while caressing jungkook's cheek.

Stop. Jungkook whiles, cheeks tinting a shade of scarlet, as he looks away.

Hmhm what happened to the boldness a few seconds ago. Taehyung chuckles.

Are you going to keep talking or actually do something? Jungkook challenges. Taehyung's jaw tightens.

You don't know what you're playing with baby. Taehyung warns.

You're all talk hyung.

That's it. Taehyung whispers and crashes their lips together. It's nothing like the kisses they've shared before, this one is filled with love, lust, longing, desperation and everything they were holding back.

Taehyung slowly moves to jungkook's jaw before going further down and sucking Love bites on jungkook's skin. Jungkook moans and oh the things taehyung would do to keep hearing that sound for the rest of his life.

Taehyung's hands unbutton jungkook's shirt. He throws it away after unbuttoning it and kisses jungkook's porcelain skin all-over.

Taehyung looks at jungkook, silently asking for permission before unbuttoning his pants.

Jungkook feels shy lying there completely naked for taehyung while his husband is still fully clothed.

So fucking beautiful. All mine. Taehyung ravishes.

Hyungg. Clothes off. Jungkook demands.

Whatever you want my highness. The older teases.

Taehyung strips his clothes. Jungkook's eyes widen when he looks at taehyung's erection. He gulps and licks his lips.

Like what you see baby? Taehyung smirks. Jungkook shies away.

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