Confessions and Stab Wounds - Loki Laufeyson (Romantic)

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A knock sounded at my door. I stood up and opened my bedroom door. I gasped at the sight that awaited me.

My best friend, Loki Laufeyson, was covered in blood.

"Is that blood?" I asked dumbly, too shocked to say anything else.

"Yes, but that does not matter right now. What does matter is-"

"You're literally bleeding!" I almost shrieked, interrupting him.

Loki winced.

"Could you please be a tad quieter?" he asked.

I pulled him into my room and closed the door. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed my first aid kit. I made Loki lie on my bed while I got to work on stitching him up. I lifted up his shirt and started cleaning the wound. I tried to ignore his toned body while I worked.

"What was more important than- is this a stab wound?" I asked.

"No," Loki fibbed.

"Any other lies left to tell me?" I asked.

"Of course, my love, who do you think I am?" Loki asked faintly.

I nearly dropped the bandages when Loki called me his love. Loki always used nicknames, like darling, dear, and angel, but he had never before called me his love. Maybe I was just overthinking things.

Once I finished patching Loki up, he had passed out.

"Stupid god," I muttered, poking him in the chest. "He should have gone to the infirmary, not me!"

I continued to curse him, looking around my room for the spell book Loki insisted I have. I knew that inside there were a whole bunch of healing spells. When I finally found the book, I opened it, still verbally abusing Loki. I paused my cursing as I found the correct chapter.

"Are you finished breaking my heart with your cruel words?"

I jumped and nearly dropped my book.

"Loki!" I scolded. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Loki just smirked at me. I exhaled deeply through my nose.

"Now, what did you want to tell me?" I asked.

"Darling, we have been friends for two years now," he said.

I nodded.

"You are my closest friend, and I am terrified that I will lose you," Loki said quietly.

I sat beside him on the bed and grabbed his hand.

"You could never lose me," I said.

Loki just smiled at me sadly and ran a thumb over the back of my hand.

"I am in love with you, y/n, Darling," Loki breathed.

I froze. The person I had been denying my feelings for just told me that they loved me. Loki Laufeyson, the god of mischief and lies, my best friend, just told me that he loves me.

"I understand if you do not feel the same," Loki said, releasing my hands.

I realised then that I hadn't said anything.

"Loki, of course I feel the same," I breathed. "You have been my closest friend these past few years, but I had always yearned for more."

Loki looked up at me hopefully.

"Loki... I love you, too."

Loki smiled happily and leaned in to kiss me. He connected our lips and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back, happy that my wildest dream had come true.

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