The Other Witch Part 2 - Loki Laufeyson (Romantic)

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I looked at Loki and his entourage of heroes before sighing and opening my door wider.

"Come in, then, quickly," I said.

I scanned the woods behind them for any threats, but there were none. I closed the door and used my magic to lock it, a green shimmer appearing in the air before disappearing.

I turned around to see the Avengers and Loki crowded in my living room. I sighed and gestured for them all to sit.

"I'll go grab some food," I said. "Make yourself comfortable. Loki, make sure they don't break anything."

I walked into my little kitchen and began making food with my magic. I wasn't quite sure what to make for a team of superheroes, so I kept it simple and made a few platters of sandwiches and fruits. Once I made enough to feed the entire team, I made it float in front of me and into my living room. I let the food float down to the coffee table and gestured for them to eat.

"Is it poisoned?" one of them - Clint Barton - asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"If I were to kill you, I would not use poison," I said.

The Avengers looked slightly unnerved. 

"Who are you?" another man - Steve Rogers - asked.

I cocked my head at him. He held himself high, standing with his feet in a defensive position, his shield strapped to his back. His posture radiated confidence, but his expression was one of slight confusion.

"Recognise me?" I asked.

He nodded slowly and a small smile graced my features.

"I recognise you, too," I said. "You're a lot bigger than I remember."

"What is she talking about?" Tony Stark demanded.

I shrugged and Loki chuckled softly.

"I'm a witch," I said simply. "I've been alive for over three hundred years, and I was 'saved' by the captain in 1940."

The Avengers sat speechless, and Loki grinned before taking a sandwich from the table and biting into it. The other Avengers seemed to come to their senses, because they started asking questions again.

"How does Loki know you?" Natasha asked.

I glanced at the dark haired god and he sighed, pink tinging his cheeks.

"Well, when the limiters were malfunctioning, I may have taken the chance to get away-"

"You said you were in your room!" Stark exclaimed.

Loki shrugged.

"I lied. Anyway, I took the chance and teleported to a nice little town in Norway. It was somewhere I had been before in my youth, and I took the opportunity to explore. I was stopped by this little witch-" Loki smiled at me and I smiled back, "-and she told me that she knew I was using an illusion. We started talking and we told each other about our magic. She told me she was a witch, and I told her that I was the Prince of Asgard. I have taken many other opportunities to visit her over these past two years."

The other Avengers blinked at Loki and then turned their attention to me. I nodded, solidifying the truth of the story.

"So, why are you all here?" I asked. "I am assuming there has been another attack like the one with Ultron. I haven't watched the news in a while, so I have no idea what is going on."

Loki opened his mouth to speak, the one they called Vision, the one with an Infinity Stone in his head, spoke first.

"There was another witch," he said. "She was... she was controlling Wanda."

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