Notes - Peter Parker (Romantic)

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I trudged upstairs and to my apartment. Today had been a long day. As the new kid, I was constantly getting lost at school. I had no idea where any of my classes were and I was too nervous to ask anyone to show me the way.

I opened my apartment door.

"Mum?" I called out.

There was no reply, so she was still at work. I picked up a letter from the ground. It had a sticky note on it.

This was in with our mail. Welcome to the building! - 2C

I smiled at the sticky note. When my mum and I first moved in a few weeks ago, we met May Parker. She was a lovely woman and was extremely beautiful. She lived with her nephew, Peter. I had caught glimpses of him at my school, but nothing much. I hadn't seen his face properly.

I ran to my room and grabbed a pen.

Thank you for bringing our mail!

I tapped my pen against my chin. I wanted to write more - I wanted to hear back from them.

Thank you for bringing our mail! Do you know of any good delivery places around here? - 2D

I nodded at my writing and went upstairs to deliver the note.

The next day, I got a note back with a takeout menu for pizza.

You have got to try the garlic bread! - 2C

I smiled at the note. Was this May, or Peter? I honestly hoped it was Peter.

The next day at school, I made eye contact with Peter in the cafeteria. I saw him from across the room. He was already looking at me, so I gave him a little wave. He waved back and I could barely contain my smile.

That night, mum and I got pizza for dinner from the place May or Peter recommended.

"Hey, y/n, May Parker wrote us a welcome letter! Look!" my mum said.

I took the letter from her and read over it. With an excited jolt, I realised May's handwriting was different to the one on the post it notes. That must mean that Peter was the one writing to me.

"I'm going to write back to her," my mum said.

After dinner, I wrote Peter another note.

The garlic bread was sooo good! Any ice-cream or dessert recs? - y/n

I went back to my apartment and sat at the kitchen table while scrolling through Instagram. A scrapping on the floor pulled me from my activity. A note had been slid under my door. I scrambled over to pick it up.

Wanna come with? - Peter

I smiled giddily as I grabbed my purse and phone. I headed downstairs to Peter's apartment. I knocked on the door and was nearly blown away by how cute he was.

His eyes were like molten chocolate. His hair was in messy curls and looked soft to the touch. His jawline made my knees weak. It was sharp enough to rival razors.

"I - uh, hi," I said.

"H-hi," Peter said back.

We both laughed and blushed. He took me to an amazing ice-cream place where they mashed lollies into the ice-cream.

At the end of the night, Peter said goodbye to me at my door.

"I had fun," I said.

"Me, too," Peter said.

We were silent for a moment.

"Do you maybe - do you want to walk to school together on Monday?" he asked.

I smiled widely.

"I'd like that," I said.

We said our goodbyes and I went to my room. I couldn't contain my smile. I had a crush.

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