Valentine's - Peter Parker x Reader (Romantic)

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I walked through the halls of Midtown Tech with a small, heart-shaped card clutched to my chest.

It was childish. I was only doing this because of a dare. I wanted the answer to be yes, but there was no way I would have been able to pluck up the courage to give Peter Parker a Valentine's Day card.

Peter Parker. I'd had a crush on Peter ever since the beginning of freshman year. How could you not have a crush on him? He was smart, funny, and extremely cute. His laugh was the most adorable thing. His eyes were a deep, chocolatey brown, the kind that could take away homesickness, and his smile could shine brighter than the sun. He got excited over Star Wars and every new invention that Tony Stark came up with.

But I also knew that he was Spiderman, and why would Spiderman ever want a girl like me?

I began to shake slightly as I walked through the halls. Peter and I were friends, so he might take it as a joke. I saw him at his locker and froze.

"Hey, keep going," MJ urged me.

"Bite me," I muttered.

She was Peter and my biggest shipper. She knew I had a crush on him, and she tried anything and everything to get us together. Including daring me to give him a Valentine's Day card.

I took a deep breath and walked over to Peter.

"Hey, Pete," I said nervously.

Peter turned to face me and smiled, although it seemed slightly strained.

"Hey, n/n," Peter said.

We stood in silence for an awkward moment. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw MJ gesture for me to give Peter the card. Like a robot, I thrust my hand out with the card in it. Peter look down at the card. Recognition sparked in his eyes and he looked back up to me. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Peter tentatively took the card and pulled something out of his locker. I felt my eyes go wide as I saw a red card.

"Uh... this is... this is f-for you," Peter said.

I took the card and opened it. Inside was a note.

You must be Copper and Tellurium because you're CuTe.

A giggle escaped my lips. I looked up to see Peter's cheeks slightly pink. He opened my card and I giggled even harder.

We'd written the exact same thing.

Peter began to laugh as he read my little card.

"You think I'm cute?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied, going red again.

Peter laughed again and grabbed my hand.

"Be my Valentine?" he asked.

A small smile crept its way to my lips.

"I'd love to," I said.

Before I could overthink it, I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. When I pulled back, Peter's face was as red as mine.

"Finally, oh my god!"

I turned around to see Ned and MJ. I laughed a little bit. Peter squeezed my hand, and I squeezed his back.

This was probably the best Valentine's Day of my life.

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