Counting Down - Loki Laufeyson (Romantic)

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Soulmate AU where everyone is born with a timer on their wrist which counts down the time until they meet their soulmate.

I looked to the timer on my wrist. Only twenty minutes left.

"Are you excited?" Wanda asked.

"Am I excited? I'm about to die from suspense!" I cried. "Should I leave the tower, or stay? What if my soulmate is a Shield agent?" I gasped. "What if they're a Hydra agent?"

Wanda laughed.

"Y/n, you really need to calm down. When I found Vision, it was a complete surprise," Wanda said.

I smiled at her and shook my head.

"I'm still excited," I said.

The minutes passed by slowly, like the numbers on my wrist actually read twenty hours instead of twenty minutes.

"Hey, kid, Thor's back," Tony told me.

My timer was going to go off in two minutes.

"I'm not a kid," I said. "I'm legally an adult."

"Two months ago you weren't," he muttered.

I rolled my eyes and continued bouncing my leg. The Avengers all crowded in the common room, waiting for Thor, while my timer ticked down.

"Do you think Thor brought someone with him?" Clint asked. "You reckon y/n's soulmate is Asgardian?"

"Maybe," Bucky said contemplatively.

"I'll check," Tony said.

He pulled up his hologram and looked through the camera feeds. My timer was now in seconds.

When my timer hit five seconds, Tony found what he was looking for.

"Holy shit!" Tony yelled.

Two seconds.

The elevator doors opened with a ding, and my jaw dropped. Thor stood next to a gorgeous man with dark raven hair. His eyes were a stunning shade of emerald green, and his cheekbones were sharp. His jawline was so defined, it could cut diamonds.

Loki of Asgard.

I took a step towards him when Natasha grabbed my wrist. Loki looked to me curiously. I glanced to his wrists, but they were both covered by his Asgardian armour.

"Why the hell is Loki here?" Tony growled.

"He is here to make amends," Thor said.

My jaw dropped as it all hit me. The God of Chaos, Lies, and Mischief was my soulmate.

"Holy shit!" I yelled.

Loki cocked an eyebrow.

"So it is you, then," Loki said, his eyes softening.

I nodded and he stepped towards me. Natasha stood in front of me with her guns raised.

"Take one more step towards the kid and I'll put a bullet right through your skull," she threatened.

"Natasha!" I exclaimed. "First of all, I am not a kid. Second, he's my soulmate! Let me talk to him!"

Natasha turned around to glare at me, and I glared right back. I stalked past her and stopped in front of Loki. He was smirking at me.

"I like you already. Lady..."

"Y/n," I said.

"Y/n," Loki repeated.

He smiled at me, and I practically melted under his gaze.

"Is nobody going to talk about the fact that y/n's soulmate is Reindeer Games?!"

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