Shirts - Pietro Maximoff (Romantic)

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I yawned and stretched as I woke up. I glanced to the other side of the bed and frowned when I realised Pietro wasn't there. I sighed deeply, looking to the ceiling.

My boyfriend, Pietro, was on a mission. He had been gone for two days and was coming back in three. I got up and rummaged through our drawers, finding one of Pietro's shirts. I put it on, along with a pair of sweatpants, and walked to the kitchen. I decided to make Pietro's favourite breakfast, bacon and eggs.

I played some music through my speaker, and my favourite song came on. I began dancing, using the spatula as a microphone. I belted out the lyrics and almost burnt my breakfast.

I sat down at the table by myself, scrolling through my phone. I came across a photo of Pietro and I at the beach. Wanda had taken the photo of Pietro holding me bridal style in the water. A moment after the photo he threw me into the waves.

I smiled at the memory. Pietro had only been gone two days and I missed him so much. A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts.

Now, having a boyfriend who is an Avenger meant that you always had to be ready for anything. Be it a break-in, kidnapping, or murder, you had to be prepared. A knock at the door when you weren't expecting anyone could be dangerous.

I slowly got up from my seat and grabbed my pistol from the drawer next to the table. I crept up to the door and looked out of the peephole. There wasn't anyone there. It was probably a doorbell ditcher.

I rolled my eyes but held onto the pistol, just in case. Another knock made me tense. I peeked again, but there was no one there.

Going out into the hallway would be dangerous. I heard the doorbell ring again.

Screw it, I thought.

I opened the door, hiding the gun under my shirt. I looked around the hallway, but there was no one there.

Suddenly, I felt arms around my waist and then I was in my lounge room with Pietro's arms around me.

"Piet?" I asked.

"It's me, printcessa," he murmured, kissing my hair.

I hugged him tightly.

"I missed you!" I said.

Pietro chuckled.

"I was only gone for two days!" he smiled. "But I missed you too."

I looked up at him and grinned. He leant down and kissed me sweetly. His hands found my waist and mine tangled through his hair.

Pietro pulled back and I pouted.

"Is that my shirt?" he asked, looking at my clothing.

"You mean our shirt?" I asked innocently.

Pietro chuckled and shook his head.

"You steal my heart and then my clothes? What next?" he asked cheekily.

I smacked him playfully. He leaned down to kiss me again. I kissed back eagerly. We pulled apart when the song on the speaker changed.

"Dance with me?" Pietro asked, smiling.

I grabbed his outstretched hand and he twirled me around the room.

"I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much," I said, laughing.

Pietro smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Me neither," he whispered into my hair.


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Requested by LivDee20

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