The Other Witch Part 1 - Loki Laufeyson (Romantic)

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I watched as the young sorceress used her magic to change a teacup into a feather, and then change the feather into an armchair. Her magic danced through the air, casting a faint reddish glow around the room.

I watched over Wanda as she practiced using her magic. Ever since I had been banished back to Midgard, I had watched over the young witch as she practiced her magic. I offered pointers and tips whenever she needed them, but her magic seemed purely instinctual.

I watched as she continued changing the object she was focusing on. I wracked my mind for something that could perhaps help her, perhaps the type of magic she possessed...

Chaos magic, I realised with a slight tinge of fear. The witch possessed chaos magic.

The Scarlet Witch, I thought to myself.

It made sense. The Scarlet Witch was supposed to be a myth – she was in the Book of the Damned for a reason – but here she was. I made a mental note to contact Mother as soon as possible. If she really was the Scarlet Witch, Mother would know what to do.

Wanda finished her practice and looked up to me with a smile. I smiled back, using a mental shield to block my thoughts from her. I did it often, and Wanda didn't seem fazed by it.

"I'm just going to go to the store," Wanda said. "I'll see you later."

I inclined my head and she left me with my thoughts.

Even if I told Mother, what could she do from Asgard? I doubted Odin would let a Midgardian to Asgard, unless Mother was able to convince him, but that would take a lot of time, and I wasn't quite sure how much I had.

There was another witch on Midgard, a witch I should probably visit again soon...


I sighed and briefly closed my eyes. My brother had been constantly checking up on me ever since I came down to Midgard, which was almost two years ago now.

"Yes?" I asked, turning around.

My brother had a big smile on his face, and I couldn't help but let a small one creep onto mine as well. Who would know if I smiled at him? I doubted the Avengers would believe it if he told them.

"We were wondering if you would like to watch a movie with us," Thor said. "It is one I have seen before, and it is about dragons and the Vikings!"

I cocked my head. I remembered the Vikings from back in our youth. I was tempted to say no, but... Thor was my brother, even if Odin was not my father. And I supposed I loved him a little bit.

"Alright," I decided.

My brother grinned at me and led me to the theatre room of the compound. I rarely came in here, and if I did, it was usually with Wanda. She liked to show me comedy shows that she watched in her youth.

The other Avengers chorused their hellos, even Stark. Stark had warmed up to me after about a year, and we enjoyed sassing each other. It was very amusing when he couldn't figure out a comeback.

I sat down on an empty couch, and my brother sat down right next to me. I shoved him over a bit. He was always getting into my personal space.

Half-way through the movie, Friday spoke.

"Something is wrong with Wanda," Friday said.

Everyone stood up, ready to act.

"What happened?" Vision asked, anxiousness lacing his voice.

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