Soulmate - Clint Baron (Romantic)

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"Are you sure she has what it takes to be an Avenger?" Steve asked.

"You haven't seen her fight," Natasha said.

"Neither have I," Clint said.

Natasha smirked at her friend.

"I'm sure you'll like what she can do," Natasha said.

The group of three watched from above as y/n went through her training. She was able to take down the Shield agent she was up against.

"Okay, maybe I was wrong," Steve muttered.

"Alright, now we're doing the hunt test," Fury said. "Y/n, you can choose two weapons. They're all fake, so if you hit someone, they won't die. You need to avoid being killed by an agent while also trying to get this flag."

Fury held up a screen with a white flag in the middle of a room that was in the middle of the base.

"You have a five minute head start. Remember, it's all of us against you," Fury said.

Y/n didn't hesitate. She grabbed a bow and quiver from the table and ran from the room.

"Hey!" Clint yelled. "She stole my weapons!"

Natasha laughed at her friend.

"There are more," Natasha said.

"But I always use that bow! It has perfect balance and –"

"Yeah, we get it," Steve said.

"Alright, five minutes are up," Fury called. "Go hunt her down."

Clint grabbed another bow and a quiver and ran. He climbed into the vents, hoping to find y/n and surprise her. What surprised him, was that she was already in the vents.

He literally bumped into her. They both rubbed their heads.

"Ow," she said.

She rubbed her head. Clint reached back to grab his fake knife, but she grabbed his wrist.

"Nuh uh," she said. "Besides, it's too cramped to fight in here."

Clint cocked his head at her. She smirked at him before opening a hatch and jumping through it.

"See you later, Vents," she called, running out of the room.

Clint chuckled and continued making his way through the vents.

Eventually, y/n got the flag without being injured. It was an impressive feat, and not one that most expected her to be able to complete.

"So, y/n," Fury said. "You chose a bow as your weapon. Let's see how well your aim is."

Three apples were thrown up in the air. Y/n loaded three arrows and fired. All three arrows hit the apples and embedded themselves into the wall.

Clint's jaw dropped and y/n smirked at him.

"I think she's my soulmate," he whispered to Natasha.

Natasha chuckled.

"I thought so, too," she said.

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