Imagine Studying With Peter Parker (Romantic)

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· Study dates!!

· At his house or yours

· Would definitely study on the bed

· Not for sex you horny muffin smuggling dragon fart

· Just so you can wrap yourself up like a burrito when you give up on school and life

· And Peter can comfort you and help you

· When you guys do Spanish, you literally can NOT concentrate because his voice

· When he's concentrating, he pokes his tongue out a lil bit and his curls dangle

· Sometimes it ends up with a lil makeout sesh

· There's always snacks

· He helps you with everything cause he's a smart cookie

· Throwing pens/pencils at him when you're bored and watching him catch it without looking up

· You tell him that you think it's cool that he doesn't have to look up when really you're actually trying to hit him

· Stupid spider senses

· You end up not studying because you've already accepted your fate

· Peter forces you to study because he's The Worst Boyfriend Ever™

· Just kidding he loves you and he wants to make sure that you'll pass

· You love him too so you put up with it even though you could totally wing it

· Spoiler Alert: you can't wing it

· You end up passing every test because you have an amazing tutor

· Who so happens to be your boyfriend

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