TikToks - Peter Parker (Romantic)

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I sat beside Peter, watching my dad argue with the wizard.

"Favourite TikTok, go," Peter said.

"Um... I ain't never seen two pretty best friends. Always one of 'em gotta be ugly," I said.

Peter and I both giggled.

"Yeah. You're the ugly one," he joked.

I placed a hand against my heart in mock offense.

"Actually, that's you," I said.

"Is it, though?" Peter asked.

I laughed and tried to shove him off the ledge we were sitting on. He grabbed my hand and twisted me so that I fell off instead. I would have smacked straight on the ground if the wizard hadn't conjured up some orange thing that cushioned my fall.

"Please, control your children," Dr Strange said.

"They're not my children. Only y/n is," my dad said.

I pointed finger guns at the wizard. He rolled his eyes and looked away. I looked back up to where Peter was. He was now hanging upside down from the roof. He lowered himself down between Dr Strange and my dad.

"Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I'm sorry," Peter said.

"I do not want another, single, pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip, you understand?" my dad said, pointing at Peter.

I laughed quietly at Peter.

"That goes for you, too," my dad said, turning to me.

"What? No fair!" I whined.

I saw Dr Strange roll his eyes and I poked my tongue out at him.

"I'm trying to say that something is coming," Peter said.

Suddenly a strange, metal ball rolled across the floor to us. It stopped in the middle of the circle we had created and blew us all back. Three strange figures entered the room and began attacking us.

I literally had no powers. A man with red markings on his bare chest roared and charged for me. Dr Strange's cloak flew through the air and knocked him to the ground.

Suddenly, I was being shot at. I turned around to face a man with a mask on with some sort of flying boots. I rolled out of the way, narrowly dodging the blasts.

"Where is your nano suit?" my dad yelled.

I winced.

"I lost it!" I yelled back, still dodging the blasts from the masked man.

"You LOST it?" my dad yelled.

"It fell off, okay!" I yelled back.

"It fell off?" my dad shrieked.

I didn't get to reply before one of the blasts hit me in the chest. I was knocked backwards and would have hit my head if Dr Strange's cloak hadn't caught me.

"Everybody stay where you are. Chill the eff out," a voice said.

I got up and saw one of the figures with his arm around Peter's neck and a gun pressed to his head.

My heart stopped. The guy holding Peter pressed something on the side of his mask. The mask disintegrated away like nano-tech. Maybe he stole my nano-tech housing thing.

"I'm gonna ask you this one time," the alien dude said. "Where is Gamora?"

"Yeah? I'll do you one better. Who is Gamora?" my dad said angrily.

"I'll do you one better," the guy under my dad's foot said. "Why is Gamora?"

I blinked at that one. I turned my head to face Peter.

"Tell me where the girl is, or I swear to you, I'm gonna French-fry this little freak," the guy holding Peter said.

"Let's do it!" my dad said. "You shoot my guy, I blast him. Let's go!"

My dad extended his nano-tech cannon. It looked like the face of the alien from Aliens.

"Do it, Quill!" the why-guy said. "I can take it."

"No, he can't take it!" a girl with antenna exclaimed.

"She's right. You can't," Doctor Strange said, completely deadpan.

Why was everyone waiting around? My legs were shaking with the anxiety that Peter was going to die.

"Oh yeah? You don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine. I'll kill all four of you and beat it out of Thanos myself," Quill said. He then turned his attention to Peter. "Starting with you."

"Wait, what? Thanos?" Strange said. "Alright, let me ask you this one time: What master do you serve?"

"What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say? "Jesus"?" Quill said.

I cleared my throat to hide my laugh.

"You're from Earth?" my dad question.

"I'm not from Earth. I'm from Missouri," Quill said.

"Yeah, that's on Earth, dip-shit. What are you hassling us for?" I said, angrily.

My dad looked at me, as if to say did-you-really-just-say-that?

"So, you're not with Thanos?" Peter asked.

"With Thanos?! No, I'm here to kill Thanos! He took my girl- Wai- who are you?" Quill asked.

"We're the Avengers, man," Peter said after de-helmeting.

"Oh," Quill said, letting Peter go.

"You're the ones Thor told us about!" the antenna chick said.

"You know Thor?" I asked.

"Yeah. Tall guy, not that good-looking, needed saving," Quill said.

Peter and I looked at him incredulously. The 'adults' began talking, so I rushed over to Peter and hugged him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... yeah," Peter said.

I could tell he was still a bit shaken up.

"Favourite TikTok, go," I said.

"Um... two friends in a room. They might kiss," Peter said.

"Oh, they definitely will," I said.

Peter froze and looked at me in surprise.

"I – uh... what?" he said.

I winked at him.

"You better not kiss my daughter, Parker!" my dad warned.

"Dad! I'm sixteen! Please, just let me kiss a boy!" I growled.

"Nope. Never," my dad said.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. I winked at Peter again before facing the others. I felt fingers intwine with mine and I looked to my side to see Peter.

"We might not be able to kiss, but we can still hold hands," Peter said.

I smiled. A little bit of happiness in this time of despair. 

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