Girls Like Girls - Wanda Maximoff (Romantic)

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Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko

It was one of the rare days where all of the Avengers could relax. Everyone was doing their own thing in the common floor. Wanda was cooking dinner, Tony was swiping through his hologram, and Natasha was sharpening a knife. The radio was playing softly in the background.

"-Stark's newest single. We're proud to say that we're the first radio station to play it! Here it is."

Although the radio was playing softly, Steve's super soldier hearing picked it up.

"Stark?" Steve asked. "Tony, do you sing?"

Tony scoffed.

"Of course I sing. Not well, according to Pepper."

"This new song is by a Stark," Steve said. "I didn't hear the first name..."

Natasha turned up the radio. As soon as the beat started, a few people began bopping their heads.

"Stealin' kisses from your misses, does it make you freak out? Got you fussing, got you worried, scared to let your guard down."

Tony smiled and shook his head.

"Y/n," he said.

"Who?" Steve asked.

"Y/n Stark. My daughter. We don't really have a good relationship. She's been living with her mum for the past few years."

"It's a good song," Sam said, nodding his head to the beat.

"Boys. Boys. Boys. Boys."

"Great," Tony muttered. "She's singing about boys."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Wanda said, a knowing smile on her face.

"Tell the neighbours I'm not sorry, if I'm breaking walls down. Building your girl's second story, ripping all your floors out."

"What do you mean by that, Wanda?" Tony asked.

Wanda just shrugged.

"Keep listening."

"Saw your face, heard your name, gotta get with you. Girls like girls like boys do. Nothing new."

There were a few shocked faces. Tony looked sad.

"Isn't this why we came? Gotta get with you."

"Is there something wrong with that, Tony?" Natasha asked. "Your daughter liking girls?"

"No," Tony said sadly. "Absolutely not. I just – I wish that she'd told me. In person."

"Girls like girls like boys do. Nothing new. Girls like girls like boys do. Nothing new."

"Wanda, why'd you act like you already knew?" Bucky asked. "The radio said it was the first time being played."

Bucky had also heard the radio with his enhanced hearing. Wanda just smirked at them all.

"Let's just say I was the inspiration for the song."

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