Reality - Loki Laufeyson (Romantic)

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Y/n thought there was nothing left. She sat in her room in the Avenger's compound, barely doing anything for five years. Why would she want to do anything, when the one person she loved was dead?

She felt weak. She had the power to change reality, to alter the state of being, but she still couldn't bring him back, no matter how hard she tried.

So, she let her powers fade.

When everyone said that there was a way to bring back the dusted, she didn't care all that much. He had died before the snap, so it didn't matter.

The Avengers were eventually able to convince her to help them on their time-travelling mission. They wouldn't let her go to Asgard, because they knew that she would want to stay with her love.

Stay with her Loki.

They sent her with Nebula and Rhodes instead, to get the power stone. It was an easy mission, and they came home with the power stone.

Natasha Romanoff didn't come back.

Over the years, Natasha Romanoff had become y/n's friend. Over the five years where y/n thought living wasn't all worth it, Natasha was there for her.

And now she was gone.

The only person she had left was Thor, but he was different. He was depressed, like her. He couldn't help her before he helped himself.

Banner snapped his fingers, and everyone came back. Everyone except Loki.

Then the compound blew up, and y/n entered another fight. Even though she hadn't trained for five years, she was still an exceptional fighter.

Thanos got the gauntlet. Y/n was right there. She could stop it. She was tempted to let the world die, for she felt it wasn't worth living anyway. But she knew that there were people to fight for. People who weren't as strong as her, people who had families, lovers, that they wanted to protect.

She knew how it felt to lose a loved one, so she did it for those who had someone to lose.

Her powers were weak, so she attacked with her blades. She threw knives at the mad titan, distracting him from snapping his fingers. He grabbed the red stone – the reality stone – from its place and used it to throw her in the air, a ball of red power around her, not letting her escape.

The reality stone called to her. It was where her power originated from – it was rightfully hers.

So, she called to her power. She let it overflow. She dived into it, losing herself in it.

And after a flash of bright light, a silhouette walked in the air towards her. Her magic let the figure through the ball of red power.

"Loki?" she whispered, tears coming to her eyes as she recognised the person floating before her.

Loki smiled at his love.

"It is me," he whispered.

"I – why – how are you here?" she asked.

"You were hit by the reality stone," Loki explained. "Your power grew, taking in the power that Thanos threw at you. You are changing reality. You can end this."

"But I can bring you back," she whispered.

Loki placed his hand on her face and shook his head.

"You know that saving these people is more important," he murmured.

Y/n shook her head.

"I don't want to," she cried. "I only want you."

"You can live without me," Loki told her sadly.

"But I don't want to," she whispered.

Loki kissed her on the forehead.

"I know you will do what is right," he said.

He turned when she called out for him to wait.

"Stay with me?" she pleaded.

Loki nodded and took her hand in his.

And she let her power explode. Red wisps of power exploded from y/n, racing each other to grab onto the enemy. The enemy turned to dust as soon as her power touched them. Her power darted over the battlefield, killing every enemy in its way, until only Thanos was left. The power wrapped around the gauntlet and crushed it, the stones leaving the glove and floating in the air. Thanos tried to grab them, but the red power restrained his arms.

Loki was gone, but y/n still felt his presence.

Y/n floated towards Thanos, her arms outstretched beside her.

"You killed him," y/n told Thanos. "And now, I will kill you."

A wisp of her power darted out and struck Thanos through his chest. He yelled in pain, and y/n's magic disintegrated him.

She floated to the floor and knelt down to the ground, her face in her hands.

Loki would have sacrificed the world for her. She didn't sacrifice the world for him, although she wished she had.

She cried into her hands, wishing that she could see him again. Have him hold her, even if it was just for a moment.

"Y/n, Love, why do you cry?"

Y/n's head snapped up at the voice, the voice of her beloved.

And Loki knelt before her, his eyes full of light and life. He was alive.

"I – how?" she cried, springing forwards, and wrapping her arms around his neck.

She held him tight, not wanting to let go.

"You are more powerful than you realise," he murmured, stroking y/n's hair.

Y/n pulled away slowly, but still held his hand. She looked around the battlefield. All her friends, the Avengers, were still there. And so was Natasha.

"You brought us all back," Loki murmured, moving a strand of hair from her face.

"You're alive," y/n whispered, not quite believing it.

"I am," he murmured. "And I will never leave you again. I promise."

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