*I Missed You - Loki Laufeyson (Romantic)

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Warnings: smut, teasing, sub!reader, dom!loki, bondage, pet name

"Did you have fun?"

I shut my bedroom door and looked to our bed. Loki was laying on it, legs crossed and book in hand. He hadn't looked up from the pages, so I shrugged off my jacket.

"It was alright," I said. "We had a bit to drink but it kind of got boring."

Loki's eyes finally slid from the book to me.

"I missed you," he said.

I smiled at him.

"Darling, I was gone for three hours," I chuckled, throwing my bag next to my vanity.

Loki stood up from the bed and walked over to me in a few graceful strides. My breath caught in my throat as I looked up at him.

"Three hours too long, my dear," he said quietly, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

I looked up into his eyes and my knees wobbled as I beheld the possessive longing in his eyes. I decided to take the first step as I leaned in and kissed him. At first, it was soft, but then it became intense, hungrier. Soon enough Loki had laid me down on the bed and began kissing my neck.

"Loki," I breathed, my fingers entwining in his hair. "Please."

"As my lady wishes," he purred moving back.

His hands found the bottom of my dress and they slid up my thighs, stopping just below where I wanted them.

"Loki," I whined.

He chuckled and my dress disappeared in a flash of green light. Loki straddled me and leaned up, grabbing both of my wrists, and moving them to the headboard. A silk green scarf appeared, and he tied my hands to the bed. After a few quick tugs, I realised the only way I was getting free of the bonds was if Loki wanted me to.

Loki's hands trailed down my body, over my breasts and to my belly button, where he traced lazy circles.

"Loki," I said again, tugging at my restraints.

"Hush, my pet," Loki whispered, his face inches from mine. "Good things come to those who remain patient."

I didn't want to be patient. I wanted him.

Loki smiled at me devilishly before leaning down to kiss me. I kissed him back, savouring the feel of his tongue running over the roof of my mouth, the feel of his tongue on my teeth.

Loki's hands swept under me, and he unclasped my bra. I was now naked from the waist up. Loki continued kissing me as his hands trailed down my sides, all the way to the fabric of my panties. I moaned into his mouth as he stroked a slender finger along the waistband of my underwear.

Loki pulled away to take his shirt off. I looked at his body, lost in lust and want and need. His hands returned to the waistband of my panties, tugging them down my thighs and down my legs. He discarded of them and looked to me, tied to the bed. Loki slid a finger inside me, and I moaned.

Loki grinned at me in wicked delight.

"You've gotten so wet for me, Pet," he hummed.

"Loki," I groaned as he pulled the finger out and sucked on it.

He then began unbuckling his belt. He slowly undid his pants and took them off, before sliding his boxers off too. My mouth dried at the sight of his considerable length springing free. I watched as he rolled a condom onto his cock, and I felt myself get even wetter.

Loki leaned over me and kissed the spot where my neck met my shoulder as he thrust into me with a deep stroke. I cried out his name as he thrusted in and out, my eyes closing in pleasure.

"Open your eyes, Pet," Loki growled, the pace of his thrusts stopping. "I want you to look into my eyes as I fuck you."

I snapped my eyes open, just wanting friction. I shifted my hips, but Loki shifted his with me, preventing me from feeling any pleasure. I whimpered and tugged at my bonds.

"So greedy, my pet," Loki said, before his thrusts began anew.

I moaned his name again and his breaths began to get ragged. I felt the familiar feeling of a knot forming in my stomach.

"Don't cum yet, Pet," Loki warned me. "You cum when I want you to, understood?"

"Yes, Loki," I said breathlessly.

Loki thrusted in and out of me and it became harder to resist release.

"Loki, please!" I whined.

"Patience, Pet," Loki purred.

Loki's thrusts become faster and harder, and I moaned so loud that I bet the whole of New York could hear.

"Cum, Pet," Loki growled.

I came, my back arching off of the bed and my eyes rolling back into my head. Loki came with me, and he helped us both ride out our high.

Once we were finished, Loki untied me and cleaned me up. We lay in bed and cuddled, the feeling of Loki's fingers running through my hair lulling me to sleep.

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