Together Forever - Pietro Maximoff

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a/n: canon is whatever i want, fuck the timeline, enjoy! <3

You stared at the mission report on the coffee table, twirling your pen idly around in your fingers. It was a report on your latest mission, one you went on with Steve and Natasha, both of which were in the lounge room with you, along with the other Avengers. Wanda and Vision were talking together, and Sam was having a discussion with Bruce while Tony tinkered away at something.

Wanda, Pietro, and Vision had been on the team for quite a few months now. Wanda and Vision were friendly with the entire team now, however they mostly spoke to each other and you. Pietro, on the other hand, pestered you and only you day and night. You didn't mind, as you'd been in love with the speedster for quite a few years now. You'd been at Hydra with him and formed a close bond, one that you hoped one day could turn into something romantic. You were able to form bonds with the Avengers as well, but no one else seemed to talk to Pietro.

You put the pen to paper and began to write as something zoomed past you. You looked up to see Pietro leaning against the wall, looking at you with a big grin on his face. You frowned at him, seeing the mischief in his eyes, before he started running around, causing havoc.

"Dude!" you complained, a smile on your face. "I'm trying to concentrate!"

Steve looked over at you before glancing at Natasha, whose observation was already trained on you.

"Sorry to distract you, Princessa," he said, his grin growing.

"Shut up, Pietro," you laughed, rolling your eyes.

Silence filled your ears as everyone around you stopped what they were doing, all turning to look at you.

"Did you – did you just say... Pietro?" Wanda whispered, her eyes going wide and glossy with tears.

"Yeah..." you said, confused. "He's right there."

You jerked your head in Pietro's direction, and everyone pivoted their heads, searching for Pietro. All of their gazes landed around him or on the furniture beside him, but no one seemed to see him.

"No... he's not," Natasha said, concern lacing her voice.

"Yes, he is," you said, letting out a disbelieving laugh. "I'm looking at him right now."

"No, Y/n," Pietro said sadly. "They're right."

You cocked your head at him, confusion evident on your features.

"What are you talking about?" you asked.

Was this some sort of joke? Were they pranking you right now? You looked at Pietro with a questioning glance, and then back to the Avengers. Tony was the one to speak.

"Pietro died, Y/n," Tony said gently. "Against Ultron, remember?"

You looked at Wanda, hoping that she'd sense your distress and call off whatever ridiculous prank this was, but she simply cast her gaze downwards, tears threatening to fall down her cheeks. Your entire body went numb, and memories you'd locked away threatened to spill over. You looked at Pietro, who had tears in his eyes.

The dam burst, and flashes of robots appeared in your mind, a jet and bullets. A flash of Pietro, bullet wounds peppering his body. You vaguely remembered screaming as he fell to the ground, feeling your entire world fall apart.

"No," you whispered, your head turning from Pietro to the rest of the group. "No, no, no!"

"I'm sorry, Princessa," he choked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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