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Calum's POV

It's been 3 years exactly since that horrible day. The day that my love, Michael, killed himself. I have no thoughts, no feelings, and no tears. I've been thinking about going to his grave. His friends all went, Jasmine, Ozden, Alexa, and even some girl named Jo. Jasmine called me while she was there, blaming me, saying it was my fault. I don't blame her much, it was partly my fault. I sighed and put on my coat, grabbing my bouquet of flowers and calling out, "Babe, I'll be back in an hour."

I moved to New York two years ago, so I could be close to his grave. His friends never talk to me, they're furious with me, they'll never forgive me. James died from Cancer about two months after Michael's incident. The guys were mad at me for a while too. Last year I met a girl, I have little to no feelings for her, but we're dating. She knows about the past, doesn't care. I almost feel bad for leading her on, she's a nice girl, but no one can replace Michael.

I finally arrived to the graveyard and took a deep breath before getting out of the car. I walked slowly but steadily to his grave stone and set the flowers down, sitting next to it. I pulled my knees up and rested my arms over them.
"I loved you Michael, God I love you. Why did you do this? I was going to tell you... if you gave me a few more minutes."
I shook my head, I can't take this. Thinking about his rotten bed of bones underneath the ground. I lay my head on the stone and sigh, it's kind of cold.
"Are you really gone? Sometimes I think you're still here... I'm insane for coming here. I'm insane for talking to a dead person. I'm insane for trying to get over you. But you were insane too, right Michael? So it's okay, we are insane together. I try to deny your death, three years and I still think this is all some joke. I'm going to go now. I love you Mikey."

I stood up, dusting off my pants and trying to wipe my tears away. That's right, I'm insane. It's okay, life is okay. I'm insane. Michael was insane. I hopped into my car, turning the key with a huge smile on my face. We were both insane. We are both insane. We were two insane guys who were insanely in love in this insane band and that's okay. But Michael was insane and he knew it, so what did he do? He ended the insanity. I'm insane, and I know it... I can't end the legacy of us. I need to make it known that I love him and that I'm insane. My car approached a 4 way intersection, and there were cars flying by, I quickly pressed down on the gas... and sped off.


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