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Actually getting there, and into the room to sign up was nerve racking. I signed my name on a clipboard that was already two pages filled with names and figured it would be a while before I actually went to audition. Looking around I noticed the room was filled with guys around my age, maybe a little younger or older and there were no seats left in either of the waiting rooms so I sat against a wall. Not knowing what to do, I picked at my finger nails and played with the hem of my plaid shirt. Jasmine was sat next to me but we didn't talk, we both knew this was a big ass moment. I felt my heart pick up speed as guy by guy went in and came out either with smiles on their faces or pretty upset. I really hoped I got past day 1, even if I don't make it into the band. If I'm being honest I doubt I'm good enough. I didn't even realize how fast time flew by until some worker called my name out. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at Jasmine. "You'll do great!" She said pushing her hair behind her ear and smiling. I gave her a small smile and nodded, grabbing my guitar case and following the man to a room.

He opened the door and said "Go ahead in, good luck." I gave him a small nod as a thank you and headed inside the room. It was a small room with off-white colored walls and a table with five chairs. A woman stood there with a smile on her face, mid 30s. "Stand on the tape marked area on the floor please." I stood where she told me to and she clapped her hands together, "I have a couple questions and then we can move on." I nodded. "What's your name?"   "Uhh Michael Clifford."
"How old are you?"
"Are you a fan of 5 Seconds Of Summer?"
"Very much, yes." She smiled once more and wrote something on her clipboard. A door opened and 5SOS came out and sat down at 4 of the seats at the table and seemed to have recognized me because they waved and smiled and I heard Calum say, "Michael!" The lady sat down and told me to perform any song by 5SOS, singing and playing guitar. I cleared my throat a bit and sighed, not feeling as nervous as before since there were familiar faces. That's when I connected my guitar to the amp provided and started playing Try Hard.

"She's dropping out of school cause she don't need the grades, colours in her hair don't seem to fade..."

I'm going to give you a hint of how it went in the end...

I'll see you tomorrow at Day 2.

Okay I'm going to aim this for current them in a fetus type of time.

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